
   1. to bribe
   Using the common imagery of making something more toothsome:
    Now-a-days ane canna' phraise,
   An' sooth, an' lie, an' sweeten, An' palm, an' sconse. (Lauderdale, 1796 — referring to flattery, bribery, and trickery)
   And in modern use of an improper inducement:
    Construction had been held up by the Pollution Control Board. A $30,000 fee was negotiated, sweetened with the offer of a job. (Evans-Pritchard, 1997)
   A sweetener is such a bribe, not necessarily in cash:
    Giving big commissions, sweeteners, call it bribery if you like... (Lyall, 1980)
   2. (of a public auction) improperly to force up bidding
   Auctioneers' jargon for the practice of purporting to accept spurious or nonexistent bids.
   3. to attempt to improve by deception
   Showbusiness jargon of the practice whereby a producer introduces pre-recorded laughter to give the impression that an audience found a show funnier than in fact they did:
    Producers... devised what they believed was a totally justified method of sweetening a show. (F. Muir, 1997 — they had a comedian tell a vulgar joke, and cut the resultant laughter into another recording)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Sweeten — Sweet en, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sweetened}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sweetening}.] [See {Sweet}, a.] 1. To make sweet to the taste; as, to sweeten tea. [1913 Webster] 2. To make pleasing or grateful to the mind or feelings; as, to sweeten life; to sweeten …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sweeten up — ˌsweeten ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they sweeten up he/she/it sweetens up present participle sweetening up past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweeten — sweet‧en [ˈswiːtn] verb [transitive] to make an offer, suggestion etc seem more attractive in order to encourage someone to accept it: • The airline sweetened its offer to $235 million. • The British auto maker has sweetened its customer… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sweeten — is a surname, and may refer to:* Madylin Sweeten (born 1991), American actress * Sullivan and Sawyer Sweeten (born 1995), American actors …   Wikipedia

  • Sweeten — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Madylin Sweeten (* 1991), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Sullivan und Sawyer Sweeten (* 1995), US amerikanische Zwillinge und Kinderschauspieler Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sweeten — [v1] add sugar add sweetening, candy, candy coat, honey, make sweet, make toothsome, mull, sugar, sugar coat; concept 170 Ant. salt, sour sweeten [v2] make happy; appease alleviate, assuage, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate,… …   New thesaurus

  • Sweeten — Sweet en, v. i. To become sweet. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sweeten — 1550s, from SWEET (Cf. sweet) (adj.) + verbal ending EN (Cf. en) (1). The M.E. form of the verb was simply sweet, from O.E. swetan …   Etymology dictionary

  • sweeten — ► VERB 1) make or become sweet or sweeter. 2) make more agreeable or acceptable …   English terms dictionary

  • sweeten — [swēt′ n] vt. 1. to make sweet with or as with sugar 2. to make pleasant or agreeable, as to the sense of smell 3. to counteract the acidic condition of (the soil, the stomach, etc.) 4. a) to mollify; appease b) Now Rare to alleviate; ease …   English World dictionary

  • sweeten — verb a) To make sweet to the taste; as, to sweeten tea. And sweeten every secret tear. . b) To make pleasing or grateful to the mind or feelings; as, to sweeten life; to sweeten friendship. Correggio has made his memory immortal by the strength… …   Wiktionary

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