- proposition
to suggest engaging in a sexual act
Made to other than a regular sexual partner, of both heterosexuals and homosexuals:
He might feel like hitting the first [homosexual] who propositioned him. (Davidson, 1978)
A proposition is such a suggestion:
I didn't take her up on a proposition she made to me... a bodily proposition. (Masters, 1976)
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms.
R. W. Holder.
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proposition — [ prɔpozisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • v. 1120 propositiun « action de faire connaître ses intentions »; lat. propositio 1 ♦ L action, le fait d offrir, de suggérer qqch. à qqn; ce qui est proposé. ⇒ offre. Proposition de paix. Faire des propositions… … Encyclopédie Universelle
proposition — prop‧o‧si‧tion [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʆn ǁ ˌprɑː ] noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE a business idea, offer, or suggestion, for example a possible business deal: • I ll consider your proposition and let you know my decision next week. • We have a proposition to… … Financial and business terms
proposition — Proposition. s. f. Ce qu on énonce par le discours sur quelque sujet que ce soit. Proposition universelle. proposition particuliere. proposition d éternelle verité. proposition establie sur de faux principes. proposition universellement receuë.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Proposition 2½ — (Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 59 § 21C [ [ 21c.htm Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 59 § 21C] , via] ) is a Massachusetts statute which limits property tax increases by Massachusetts municipalities. It was passed by ballot … Wikipedia
Proposition 19 — Proposition 19, auch bekannt als Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 (deutsch Gesetz zur Regulierung, Kontrolle und Besteuerung von Cannabis), war ein Volksentscheid, der am 2. November 2010 in Kalifornien zur Abstimmung stand.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Proposition — Prop o*si tion, n. [L. propositio: cf. F. proposition. See {Propound}.] 1. The act of setting or placing before; the act of offering. Oblations for the altar of proposition. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is proposed; that which is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
proposition — 1. The noun proposition has various well established meanings arising from its basic sense of ‘something proposed’, e.g. a scheme or proposal, a statement in logic that is subject to proof or disproof, and a formal statement of a theorem or… … Modern English usage
Proposition H — was a proposed ordinance that would ban the manufacture, distribution, sale and transfer of firearms and ammunition within San Francisco, California, United States. There were no exceptions to this part of the ban.The Proposition would also have… … Wikipedia
Proposition 31 — is a 1968 novel written by Robert Rimmer that tells the story of two middle class, suburban California couples who turn to a polyamorous relationship to deal with their multiple infidelities as an alternative to divorce. The novel is written as a … Wikipedia
proposition — Proposition, Propositio. Une proposition dialectique, Effatum, Enunciatum. Proposition d erreur, Supplex prouocatio, Appellatio supplex, B … Thresor de la langue françoyse
proposition — [präp΄ə zish′ən] n. [ME proposicioun < OFr proposition < L propositio < proponere: see PROPOSE] 1. the act of proposing 2. a) something proposed; proposal, plan ☆ b) Informal an unethical or immoral proposal, specif. one of illicit… … English World dictionary