
   not involving nuclear or germ warfare
   There is something bizarre in the notion that any weapons for killing or maiming are sanctioned by general agreement or established by social custom.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • conventional — con·ven·tion·al /kən ven chə nəl/ adj 1: based on, settled by, or formed by agreement: contractual compare judicial 2, legal 2c 2: of, like, or r …   Law dictionary

  • conventional — con‧ven‧tion‧al [kənˈvenʆnəl] adjective a conventional way of doing something is the way that has been used or available for some time and is considered to be normal: • standard conventional fixed rate mortgages • Conventional measures of stock… …   Financial and business terms

  • convenţional — CONVENŢIONÁL, Ă, convenţionali, e, adj. 1. Stabilit, prin convenţie, acceptat prin tradiţie. 2. Provenit dintr o convenţie învechită sau practicată (practica) mecanic (şi rupt de realitate); artificial. ♦ (Despre caracter, fire etc.) Lipsit de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Conventional — Con*ven tion*al, a. [L. conventionalis: cf. F. conventionnel.] 1. Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated. [1913 Webster] Conventional services reserved by tenures upon grants, made out of the crown or knights service. Sir M. Hale. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conventional — [kən ven′shə nəl] adj. [LL conventionalis] 1. having to do with a convention or assembly 2. of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom or usage; customary 3. a) depending on or conforming to formal or accepted standards or rules rather than… …   English World dictionary

  • conventional — [adj1] common, normal accepted, accustomed, button down, commonplace, correct, current, customary, decorous, everyday, expected, fashionable, formal, general, habitual, in established usage, ordinary, orthodox, plain, popular, predominant,… …   New thesaurus

  • Conventional — (Conventionell, v. lat.), einer Convention gemäß, worüber man einig geworden ist. Conventionalfrist, eine Frist, über welche die processirenden Parteien unter Genehmigung des Richters übereingekommen sind. Conventionalstrafe, was eine Person… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • conventional — (adj.) late 15c., of the nature of an agreement, from L.L. conventionalis pertaining to convention or agreement, from L. conventionem (see CONVENTION (Cf. convention)). Meaning of the nature of a convention is from 1812, now rare; established by… …   Etymology dictionary

  • conventional — formal, ceremonious, *ceremonial, solemn Analogous words: *decorous, proper, seemly, decent: *correct, right, precise Antonyms: unconventional Contrasted words: *negligent, slack, lax, remiss: *natural …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • conventional — ► ADJECTIVE 1) based on or in accordance with convention. 2) following social conventions; not individual or adventurous. 3) (of weapons or power) non nuclear. DERIVATIVES conventionalist noun conventionality noun conventionalize (also… …   English terms dictionary

  • conventional — con|ven|tion|al [ kən venʃnəl ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different: You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven. He wanted a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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