
   the ability to read
   Literally, understanding. Educational jargon, along with literacy and numeracy, to avoid having to mention the three r's, which used to be the foundation of every child's education in the days when teachers were not obliged to attend teacher training colleges:
    MID-GLAMORGAN ADULT LITERACY/NUMERACY SERVICE for help with: READING SPELLING ARITHMETIC. (Advertisement in Rhymney Valley Express, noted in Private Eye, October 1981, addressed to those who had failed to acquire these skills at school)
   A British comprehensive school is one financed by the state which offers non-selective entry and is not necessarily characterized by comprehension:
    46 per cent of children now leaving Mrs. Williams' 'comprehensive' secondary school system [are] unable to read or write. (A. Waugh in Private Eye, July 1981)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • compréhension — [ kɔ̃preɑ̃sjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1372, repris XVIIIe; lat. comprehensio, de comprehendere 1 ♦ Faculté de comprendre, d embrasser par la pensée. ⇒ entendement, intelligence; fam. comprenette. « L indulgence est la compréhension des causes du mal » (M.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Comprehension — Compréhension La compréhension (latin comprehensio, de cum, avec, et prehendere, prendre: action de saisir ensemble ou de prendre avec soi) est la faculté de comprendre. Logique Dans le domaine de la logique aristotélicienne, la compréhension d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Comprehension — has the following meanings: In general usage, and more specifically in reference to education and psychology, it has roughly the same meaning as understanding. Reading comprehension measures the understanding of a passage of text Comprehension… …   Wikipedia

  • compréhension — COMPRÉHENSION. s. f. Faculté de comprendre, de concevoir. Avoir la compréhension aisée, facile. Il est de dure compréhension. f♛/b] Il signifie dans le style didactique, Connoissance entière et parfaite. La compréhension des Mystères est réservée …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Comprehension — Com pre*hen sion, n. [L. comprehensio: cf. F. compr[ e]hension.] 1. The act of comprehending, containing, or comprising; inclusion. [1913 Webster] In the Old Testament there is a close comprehension of the New; in the New, an open discovery of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • comprehension — Comprehension. s. f. Faculté de comprendre, de concevoir. Comprehension aisée, facile. il est de dure comprehension …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • comprehension — I noun ability to know, alertness, appreciation, apprehension, attentiveness, awareness, awareness of, capability, capacity to understand, cognition, cognizance, command of thought, comprehension, conception, consciousness, discernment,… …   Law dictionary

  • comprehension — mid 15c., from M.Fr. comprehénsion (15c.), from L. comprehensionem (nom. comprehensio) a seizing, noun of action from pp. stem of comprehendere (see COMPREHEND (Cf. comprehend)). In reading education, from 1921 …   Etymology dictionary

  • comprehension — ► NOUN 1) the action of understanding. 2) the ability to understand; range of understanding: mysteries beyond human comprehension …   English terms dictionary

  • comprehension — comprehension, axiom of …   Philosophy dictionary

  • comprehensión — comprehensión. (Del lat. comprehensio, ōnis). f. p. us. comprensión. * * * ► femenino LINGÜÍSTICA En un acto comunicativo, decodificación adecuada del mensaje por parte del receptor …   Enciclopedia Universal

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