
   an intoxicant of a different kind from that just taken
   It follows the previous libation down the throat. Usually of beer after spirits or vice versa. Less often of a further portion of what you have been drinking.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Chaser — may refer to: Chaser (video game), a 2003 sci fi first person shooter video game The Chaser, an Australian comedy group The Chaser (film), a South Korean film The Chaser (The Twilight Zone), an episode of The Twilight Zone Chaser (One Piece), a… …   Wikipedia

  • Chaser — (Spiel) Entwickler Cauldron Publisher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chaser — Chaser: Вспомнить всё Разработчик Cauldron HQ Издатель JoWooD Productions …   Википедия

  • Chaser — Chas er, n. 1. One who or that which chases; a pursuer; a driver; a hunter. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) Same as {Chase gun}, esp. in terms {bow chaser} and {stern chaser}. See under {Bow}, {Stern}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chaser — chaser1 [chā′sər] n. [ CHASE1 + ER] 1. a person or thing that chases or hunts; pursuer 2. a gun formerly placed on the stern (stern chaser) or bow (bow chaser) of a ship, used during pursuit by or of another ship ☆ 3. a mild drink, as water,… …   English World dictionary

  • Chaser — Chas er, n. 1. One who chases or engraves. See 5th {Chase}, and {Enchase}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mech.) A tool with several points, used for cutting or finishing screw threads, either external or internal, on work revolving in a lathe. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chaser — (n.) c.1300, horse trained for chasing, agent noun from CHASE (Cf. chase) (v.), probably in some cases from O.Fr. chaceor huntsman, hunter. Meaning water or mild beverage taken after a strong drink is 1897, U.S. colloquial. French had chasse… …   Etymology dictionary

  • chaser — ► NOUN 1) a person or thing that chases. 2) a horse for steeplechasing. 3) informal a strong alcoholic drink taken after a weaker one …   English terms dictionary

  • chaser — n. 1) a submarine chaser 2) (misc.) (colloq.) an ambulance chaser (esp. AE) ( a lawyer who seeks clients among accident victims ); whiskey with a beer chaser ( whiskey served with a glass of beer ) * * * [ tʃeɪsə] whiskey with a beer chaser (… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • chaser — noun /tʃeɪsə/ a) A person or thing (ship, plane, car, etc.) who chases. [I]t looked like The Fellow was the best steeplechaser in many years. Hed earned the best speed rating Id ever given a chaser. b) Originally, a horse used for hunting; now, a …   Wiktionary

  • Chaser — 1. A güter Chasen, thur (darf) sich nit schmaden (taufen lassen). (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) Weil er vermöge seiner Bornirtheit nicht fähig ist, selbst einen der vielen Erwerbszweige, die dem Christen offen stehen, zu ergreifen. 2. As män esst… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

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