Brownie points — are a hypothetical social currency, which can be accrued by doing good deeds or earning favour in the eyes of another, often one s superior. The origin of the term is uncertain. Conjectures for etymology Brown Stamps A popular marketing practice… … Wikipedia
brownie points — UK US noun [plural] informal approval you get from your teacher or boss by doing extra work or special favours He’s just trying to win some brownie points. Thesaurus: praise and admirationsynonym * * * noun [ … Useful english dictionary
brownie points — brownie ,points noun plural INFORMAL approval you get from your teacher or boss by doing extra work or special FAVORS: He s just trying to win some brownie points … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
brownie points — If you try to earn Brownie points with someone, you do things you know will please them … The small dictionary of idiomes
brownie points — points for doing extra work for the manager Bruno earns brownie points by offering to help the manager … English idioms
brownie points — n. imaginary credit for doing something well. (Originally ‘demerits’ in railroading.) □ How many brownie points do I get for not frowning when you take my picture? □ No brownie points for you, twit! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
brownie points — If you try to earn Brownie points with someone, you do things you know will please them. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
brownie points — UK / US noun [plural] informal approval you get from your teacher or boss by doing extra work or special favours He s just trying to win some brownie points … English dictionary
Brownie points — If you try to earn Brownie points with someone, you do things you know will please them … Dictionary of English idioms
brownie points — Positive marks or recognition an employee receives for his or her actions from superiors. ► “Today, they are reemerging as development assignments which can add valuable ‘brownie points’ to the CV of mid career HIGH FLYERS.” (Industrial &… … American business jargon