- Bronx cheer
- a fartSimulated orally or generated anally.
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.
Bronx cheer — [ˌbrɔŋks ˈtʃıə US ˌbra:ŋks ˈtʃır] n AmE a sound that you make by sticking out your tongue and blowing, often considered rude British Equivalent: raspberry … Dictionary of contemporary English
Bronx cheer — [ ,braŋks tʃır ] noun count AMERICAN INFORMAL a sound made to show that you do not like or approve of something, made by blowing hard with your tongue between your lips. British raspberry … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Bronx cheer — Bronx′ cheer′ n. raspberry 4) • Etymology: 1925–30, amer … From formal English to slang
Bronx cheer — ☆ Bronx cheer n. Slang RASPBERRY (sense 3) … English World dictionary
Bronx cheer — noun a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt • Syn: ↑boo, ↑hoot, ↑hiss, ↑raspberry, ↑razzing, ↑razz, ↑snort, ↑bird • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bronx cheer — n. (AE) to give, let out a Bronx cheer * * * let out a Bronx cheer (AE) to give … Combinatory dictionary
Bronx cheer — [“brarjks “tJir] n. a rude noise made with the lips; a raspberry. □ The little air compressor in the corner of the parking lot made a noise like a Bronx cheer. □ He got only a Bronx cheer for his efforts … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Bronx cheer — Boo. The Bronx is a borough in New York City, whose residents have become famous for voicing their disapproval. ► “NationsBank’s merger with Boatmen’s Bancshares . . . got a Bronx cheer. Why? By swapping two thirds of a share of NationsBank for … American business jargon
Bronx cheer — {n. phr.}, {slang} A loud sound made with tongue and lips to show opposition or scorn. * /When he began to show anti union feelings, he was greeted with Bronx cheers all around./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Bronx cheer — {n. phr.}, {slang} A loud sound made with tongue and lips to show opposition or scorn. * /When he began to show anti union feelings, he was greeted with Bronx cheers all around./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Bronx cheer — noun Etymology: Bronx, borough of New York City Date: 1924 raspberry 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary