
   (of people)
   not white
   Although white people have not somehow become invisible in societies where they form a majority:
    An Ad from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, says it especially encourages applications from women, 'visible minorities', and the disabled. (Daily Telegraph, 17 February 1992):
    When referring to groups of Asian, African Caribbean or a mixture of people from both groups, the individual may feel it is more appropriate to adopt the term 'visibly minority ethnic groups'. (Statement issued by London Metropolitan Police, June 1999)
    Why 'visibly ethnic' is the new black. (Sunday Telegraph headline, 6 June 1999)
    The BBC does not attract as many people as it should from the 'visible community'. (Daily Telegraph, 10 January 2001 — as employees rather than listeners or viewers)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • visible — [ vizibl ] adj. • v. 1190; lat. visibilis, de videre « voir » 1 ♦ Qui peut être vu, qui est actuellement perceptible par la vue. Objets visibles. Une peinture « encore parfaitement visible et distincte » (Hugo). « Certains jours où la ligne d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • visible — Visible. adj. verb. de tout genre. Qui peut estre veu, qui est l objet de la veuë. Il n y a rien de visible que les couleurs & la lumiere. les objets, les choses visibles. les Sacrements sont des signes visibles d une chose invisible. Dieu s est… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Visible — Vis i*ble, a. [L. visibilis, fr. videre, visum, to see: cf. F. visible. See {Vision}.] 1. Perceivable by the eye; capable of being seen; perceptible; in view; as, a visible star; the least spot is visible on white paper. [1913 Webster] Maker of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • visible — I (in full view) adjective clear, distinct, in focus, in full view, in plain sight, in sight, in view, manifest, perceptible, plain, seeable, showing, viewable, well defined II (noticeable) adjective apparent, conspicuous, detectable, discernible …   Law dictionary

  • visible — [viz′ə bəl] adj. [OFr < L visibilis < visus: see VISION] 1. that can be seen; perceptible by the eye 2. that can be perceived or observed; apparent [no visible improvement] 3. on hand or available [visible resources] 4. so constructed as to …   English World dictionary

  • visible — (adj.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. visible (12c.), from L. visibilis that may be seen, from visus, pp. of videre to see (see VISION (Cf. vision)). An Old English word for this was eagsyne …   Etymology dictionary

  • visible — visible, visual Visible means ‘able to be seen’, whereas visual is a classifying adjective denoting anything to do with sight or vision. The visual arts are those forms of art that are appreciated by the eye, and a visual display unit (VDU) is a… …   Modern English usage

  • visible — (Del lat. visibĭlis). 1. adj. Que se puede ver. 2. Tan cierto y evidente que no admite duda. 3. Dicho de una persona: Notable y que llama la atención por alguna singularidad. ☛ V. espectro visible …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • visible — Relativo a objetos que son perceptibles para el ojo. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 …   Diccionario médico

  • visible — [adj] apparent, seeable arresting, big as life*, bold, clear, conspicuous, detectable, discernible, discoverable, distinguishable, evident, inescapable, in sight, in view, macroscopic, manifest, marked, not hidden, noticeable, observable,… …   New thesaurus

  • visible — Visible, Visibilis, Plin. Cadens sub aspectum. Cic …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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