
   drunk or under the influence of illegal narcotics
   It is hard to see what the discomfort of St Stephen and others had to do with this common use.
   The day Butler's Military Cross was gazetted they both got stoned out of their minds. (Price, 1979 — they were very drunk)
   He did his best work half-stoned. When you stare at motels for a living, you need to be stoned. (Grisham, 1992, referring to an investigator who habitually smoked cannabis. Here, as usual in this context, the half equals the whole)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Stoned — Содержание 1 Общая характеристика фильма 2 Первоисточник и сюжет 3 …   Википедия

  • Stoned — may refer to:* Intoxication, particularly cannabis intoxication * Stoning, a form of execution performed by throwing stones at the victim * Stoned (computer virus), a boot sector virus created in 1987 * Stoned (TV special), a 1981 ABC After… …   Wikipedia

  • Stoned — (engl. zu stone „Stein“) ist: einer der bekanntesten und seit 20 Jahren am weitesten verbreiteten Viren am PC, siehe Stoned (Computervirus) eine Rauschwirkung von Drogen aus Hanfsorten, siehe Drogenhanf#Wirkungen ein britischer Film (2005) über… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stoned — [stond] adj. ÉTYM. V. 1968; mot angl., p. p. du v. to stone « pétrifier », de stone « pierre ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Fam. (d abord, argot de la drogue). Dans un état d ivresse dû à de la drogue. ⇒ Défoncé. || Après deux joints, il était com …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stoned — [stound] <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. stoned, eigtl. »versteinert«, zu stone »Stein«> (Jargon) unter der Wirkung von Rauschmitteln stehend; vgl. ↑high …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • stoned — [ stound ] adjective 1. ) INFORMAL affected by an illegal drug that makes you feel very relaxed a ) INFORMAL OLD FASHIONED very drunk 2. ) stoned fruit has had its seed removed …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stoned — [stōnd] adj. 1. having the stones removed [stoned prunes ] ☆ 2. Slang a) drunk; intoxicated b) under the influence of a drug …   English World dictionary

  • stoned — stōnd adj being drunk or under the influence of a drug (as marijuana) taken esp. for pleasure: high …   Medical dictionary

  • stoned — [stəund US stound] adj 1.) informal feeling very excited or relaxed because you have taken an illegal drug such as ↑marijuana 2.) old fashioned very drunk …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stoned — [adj] high on alcohol or drugs baked*, bombed*, boozed up*, buzzed*, doped, drugged, drunk, feeling no pain*, flying*, fried, inebriated, intoxicated, loaded, on a trip*, plastered, ripped*, sloshed*, smashed*, spaced out*, stewed*, strung out*,… …   New thesaurus

  • stoned — ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ under the influence of drugs or alcohol …   English terms dictionary

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