special operations

special operations
   state-sponsored bribery
   Sirven... knows more political secrets than any man in France as a result of his position in charge of Elf s 'special operations', a euphemism for wholesale bribery and political manipulation. {Daily Telegraph, 8 February 2001 — Elf was the state-owned oil company which government used to finance and channel bribes)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Special operations — are military operations that are considered special (that is, non conventional).Examples of special operations include such operations such as reconnaissance/military intelligence, unconventional warfare, and counter terrorism actions. Special… …   Wikipedia

  • special operations — Operations conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities for which there is no broad conventional force requirement.… …   Military dictionary

  • Special Operations Group — may refer to the:*Special Operations Group of Argentina. *Special Operations Group of the Australian Victoria Police. *Special Operations Group of the Tasmania Police *Special Operations Group of Brazil. *Special Operations Group of Chile.… …   Wikipedia

  • Special Operations Division (Germany) — Special Operations Division Division Spezielle Operationen Special Operations Division Shoulder Insignia Active (1956–1994, 1994–2001); 2001–present Country …   Wikipedia

  • Special Operations Command — may refer to any of these national military commands:*Special Operations Command (Australia) *Special Operations Command (Philippines) *Special Operations Command (Singapore) *United States Special Operations Command:*United States Army Special… …   Wikipedia

  • Special Operations Executive — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Central hidroeléctrica de Vemork, donde la Special Operations Executive realizó en 1941 la Operación Gunnerside para sabotear la producción alemana de agua pesada …   Wikipedia Español

  • Special Operations Executive (SOE) — |Special Operations Executive}} Special Operations Executive, SOE, (Ejecutivo de Operaciones Especiales) fue una unidad secreta del ejército británico formada en 1940 por orden del primer ministro Winston Churchill durante la Segunda Guerra… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Special Operations Response Team — is a group of corrections officers trained to respond to disturbances at a correctional facility …   Wikipedia

  • Special Operations Response Team — Special Operations Response Teams SORT (deutsch etwa: Spezialinterventionseinheiten) gehören zu einer Reihe taktischer Spezialeinheiten, welche vom US Bundesamt für Gefängnisse Federal Bureau of Prisons BOP ins Leben gerufen wurden, um die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Special Operations Command (SOCOM) — Emblem des US Special Operations Command Das US Special Operations Command, kurz USSOCOM, ist eine teilstreitkraftübergreifende Kommandoeinrichtung (Unified Combatant Command) sämtlicher US amerikanischer Spezialeinheiten der US Army, US Air… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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