
   1. cocaine
   In its crystalline or powdered form, from the colour and coldness:
    Not all jazz-players smoke marijuana or opium, or sniff snow. (Longstreet, 1956)
   Whence many derivatives. A snowball is a quantity or derivative of cocaine or heroin:
    Each was controlled by a mobile phone: one for heroin, two for crack and three for snowballs — a popular mix of crack and heroin. (Fiennes, 1996)
   A snowbird is a person addicted to cocaine; snowed in, under, or up, is under the influence of narcotics; a snow-storm is a gathering where cocaine is taken illegally. To be snow-blind is to become addicted to cocaine:
    But Renzo got snow-blind real bad. He began to deal, and deal heavily enough to draw attention. (Anonymous, 1996 — Renzo was not an arctic explorer or a card player)
   An addict will turn into a snowman:
    Behind his back they call him G-nose or Snowman. (Turow, 1993)
   2. deliberately to obfuscate (an issue) or deceive (a person)
   As a landscape may be obscured by a snowfall.
   To snow a person is to produce masses of documentation which will make it hard for the recipient to pick out and understand the relevant points:
    Little job? Don't let them snow you, old friend. (Price, 1970)
   Such an operation is known as a snow-job:
    A lie, a cover-up, a snow-job was fatal. (Allbeury, 1980)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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