body image — n a subjective picture of one s own physical appearance established both by self observation and by noting the reactions of others * * * (body schema) the individual s concept of the disposition of his limbs and the identity of the different… … Medical dictionary
body image — body ,image noun count or uncount the opinion you have about how attractive your body is … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Body image — The discovery of the world and of others is acquired in infancy. (Bronze Children and discovery, by Joanika Ring, Overlangel, 1995) … Wikipedia
body image — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms body image : singular body image plural body images the opinion you have about how attractive your body is … English dictionary
body image — kūno įvaizdis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Scheminis savo paties kūno vaizdas, sudarytas erdvės, laiko ir judėjimo patirties pagrindu. Kūno įvaizdžiui daro poveikį augimas, branda, fizinis aktyvumas, judėjimo stoka,… … Sporto terminų žodynas
body image — kūno įvaizdis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Siekių, jausmų, nuomonės apie savo kūną ir jo dalis visuma; vienas iš savivokos ir savivertės aspektų. atitikmenys: angl. body image vok. Körperschema, n rus. образ тела … Sporto terminų žodynas
body image — body schema the individual s concept of the disposition of his limbs and the identity of the different parts of his body. It is a function of the association areas of the brain. See also: Gerstmann s syndrome … The new mediacal dictionary
Body Image: Disturbances of — These are of interest in psychiatry because the image that the mind gives a person of his or her body is of importance in one’s perception of trouble. Reil’s theory of cenesthesia (body feeling) (1803). Leipzig psychiatrist Johann C. Reil… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Body image obsession — Excessive concern about one s appearance. Some concern about one s appearance is normal. But an obsession with one s appearance is not. Body image obsession is also called body dysmorphic disorder. The condition carries a high risk of suicide.… … Medical dictionary
body image — an intellectual or idealized image of what one s body is or should be like that is sometimes misconceived in such mental disorders as anorexia nervosa. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium