sexual preference

sexual preference
   Not in the literal sense referring to gentlemen who prefer blondes or ladies who favour moustaches. Also as sexual irregularity, orientation, proclivity, or tropism:
    ... impossible to ask questions about (as they said on the current affairs programmes) Ron's 'sexual preference'. (Keneally, 1985)
    She spoke of your sexual irregularities. (Burgess, 1980)
    But my sexual orientation was the true instigator of apostasy, (ibid.)
    She discovered her boyfriend's, uh, sexual proclivities. (Sanders, 1986)
    ... it is replacing your former militancy on behalf of the sexual tropism you and I both represent. (Burgess, 1980 — tropism is normally a vegetable rather than an animal response to a stimulus, but the Greek source meant a turn)
   To be sexually non-conformist is to be homosexual or bisexual:
    His collaboration with the leading sexologist Wilhelm Reich... stood him in good stead when dealing with the sexually non-conformist Five from Cambridge. {Daily Telegraph, 5 April 1998, writing of their Russian controller, Arnold Deutsch and the homosexual British spies — Blunt, Philby, McLean, Burgess, and Cairncross)
   Sexual variety usually means no more than promiscuity.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • sexual preference — noun A preference for either homosexual or heterosexual relations • • • Main Entry: ↑sex * * * sexual preference variant UK US Main entry: sexual orientation …   Useful english dictionary

  • sexual preference — sexual preferences N VAR: oft poss N Someone s sexual preference is the same as their sexual orientation …   English dictionary

  • sexual preference — sexual orientation UK / US or sexual preference UK / US noun [uncountable] the state of having sexual relationships with people of one sex rather than the other …   English dictionary

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  • sexual orientation — sexual orien tation or ,sexual preference noun uncount the state of having sexual relationships with people of one sex rather than the other …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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