See a man about a dog — To see a man, to see a man about a dog, or to see a man about a horse is an English language colloquialism, usually used as a smiling apology for one s departure or absence generally as a bland euphemism to conceal one s true purpose.… … Wikipedia
see a man about a dog — tv. to leave a place for a mysterious reason, usually to go to the toilet. □ I gotta see a man about a dog. □ Fred went to see a man about a dog. I hope he remembers to put the seat down … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
see a man about a dog — go to the bathroom or washroom Excuse me. I have to see a man about a dog … English idioms
see a man about a dog — verb Used as an excuse for leaving without giving the real reason (especially if the reason is to go to the toilet, or to have a drink) See Also: see a man about a horse, see a man … Wiktionary
go to see a man about a dog — humorous if you tell someone you are going to see a man about a dog, it is a way of saying that you do not want to tell them where you are really going, especially when you are going to the toilet. I won t be long. I m just going to see a man… … New idioms dictionary
see a man about a horse — verb a) A message signaling one needs to urinate (used mainly of men) Wait for me here. Ill only be a couple of minutes. Ive just got to see a man about a horse. b) A message signaling one needs to go missing for a short while, for any reason,… … Wiktionary
See a man about a dog — leave a room for the purpose of urination … Dictionary of Australian slang
see a man about a dog — Australian Slang leave a room for the purpose of urination … English dialects glossary
see a man about a dog — Vrb phrs. An euphemism to avoid telling of your true destination, often in reply to an awkward question. Is commonly used as a euphemism for going to the toilet … English slang and colloquialisms
see a man about a dog, go to — Go to the lavatory … A concise dictionary of English slang