blow a raspberry — British & Australian, informal, American, informal to make a rude noise by putting your tongue between your lips and blowing. A boy of no more than six appeared, blew a raspberry at me and then ran away. (often + at) … New idioms dictionary
blow a raspberry — see raspberry … Useful english dictionary
(to blow a) raspberry (tart) — • to blow a raspberry comes from the Rhyming Slang raspberry tart meaning fart . Always used in it s short form … Londonisms dictionary
raspberry — [[t]rɑ͟ːzbri, AM ræ̱zberi[/t]] raspberries 1) N COUNT Raspberries are small, soft, red fruit that grow on bushes. 2) N COUNT If you blow a raspberry, you make a sound by putting your tongue out and blowing, in order to insult someone. [INFORMAL]… … English dictionary
blow — I [[t]blo͟ʊ[/t]] VERB USES ♦♦ blows, blowing, blew, blown (Please look at category 15 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) VERB When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves. A chill wind blew at the top… … English dictionary
raspberry — rasp|ber|ry [ˈra:zbəri US ˈræzberi] n plural raspberries [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: rasp raspberry (16 20 centuries) + berry;] [Sense: 2; Origin: raspberry tart = fart] 1.) a soft sweet red berry, or the bush that this berry grows on ▪ a bowl of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
blow — 1. obsolete (of a male) to copulate Usually in a phrase such as blow the groundsels, which meant that the parties were on the floor at the time. To blow ojff is to ejaculate semen: Blew off all over the booth. {Playboy s Book of… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
raspberry — 1. a fart Rhyming slang on raspberry tart. To blow a raspberry is to simulate the sound orally through pursed lips. Much figurative use indicating a mild admonition, refusal, or reproach: ... popped question to Dutch girl and got… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
raspberry — noun (C) 1 a soft sweet red berry, or the bush that this berry grows on: raspberry jam 2 informal a rude sound made by putting your tongue out and blowing: blow a raspberry BrE /give a raspberry AmE (=to make this sound) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
blow (someone) a raspberry — british phrase to make a rude sound by putting your tongue through your lips and blowing Thesaurus: to make a communicative soundhyponym Main entry: blow … Useful english dictionary