resurrection man

resurrection man
   obsolete Scottish
   a stealer of corpses
   When it was widely supposed that those who died in Christian belief would in due course undergo a resurrection of the body, few wished to risk having their corpses dissected in pursuit of medical knowledge for a fear of a dismembered or partial return to earth. In the 19th century the pre-eminent medical school was in Edinburgh, and the demand for bodies led to suppliers raiding churchyards:
    The Resurrection Man — to use the by-name of the period — was not to be deterred by any of the sanctities of customary piety. (Stevenson, 1884)
   This punning usage may first have been applied to Burke and Hare, who carried the business a stage further by murdering chance victims when a paucity of natural deaths caused fresh corpses to be in short supply.
   Also as resurrection cove and resurrectionist.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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