red lamp

red lamp
   a brothel
   The traditional sign displayed outside. Less often as red light:
    There was a Red Lamp at Bethune situated about five yards off the main street. (F. Richards, 1933)
    Why don't we put red lights outside the hostels too? (J. Major, 1999 — he was ridiculing the idea that unmarried mothers should be housed in hostels)
   A red light precinct or district is a brothel area where you would expect to find more than one red-lighted number:
    They paid for promotion or detail to the red-light precinct. (Lavine, 1930, writing about the New York police)
    ... also featured at the red-lighted number of the brothel area of a town. (Longstreet, 1956)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • red lamp (light) district —  One given over to brothels …   A concise dictionary of English slang

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  • red light — /rɛd ˈlaɪt / (say red luyt) noun 1. a red lamp, used as a signal to mean stop . 2. an order to stop. 3. a warning signal. 4. the symbol of a brothel. 5. Obsolete Colloquial a supervisor; boss. –phrase 6. run a (or the) red light, to drive through …  

  • red light — 1. a red lamp, used as a traffic signal to mean stop. 2. an order or directive to halt an action, project, etc.: There s a red light on all unnecessary expenses. 3. a children s running game in which players must stop when Red light! is called. 4 …   Universalium

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