pull rank — see under ↑rank1 • • • Main Entry: ↑pull pull rank To use one s rank to exert authority, get one s own way • • • Main Entry: ↑rank * * * I see rank I II … Useful english dictionary
pull rank — A person of higher position or in authority pulls rank, he or she exercises his/her authority, generally ending any discussion and ignoring other people s views … The small dictionary of idiomes
pull rank — ► pull rank take unfair advantage of one s seniority. Main Entry: ↑rank … English terms dictionary
pull rank — to use the power of your job or position to make someone do what you want. Some of the seniors in our school pull rank on the younger kids and force them to run errands for them … New idioms dictionary
pull rank (on someone) — phrase to use the fact that you are more important or powerful than someone in order to force them to do what you want Thesaurus: to nag or force someone to do somethingsynonym Main entry: pull … Useful english dictionary
pull rank (on somebody) — pull ˈrank (on sb) idiom to make use of your place or status in society or at work to make sb do what you want Main entry: ↑pullidiom … Useful english dictionary
pull rank — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To assert one s superior position or authority on a person of lower rank as in exacting a privilege or a favor. * /How come you always get the night duty? Phineas Leman pulled rank on me./ … Dictionary of American idioms
pull rank — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To assert one s superior position or authority on a person of lower rank as in exacting a privilege or a favor. * /How come you always get the night duty? Phineas Leman pulled rank on me./ … Dictionary of American idioms
pull\ rank — v. phr. slang informal To assert one s superior position or authority on a person of lower rank as in exacting a privilege or a favor. How come you always get the night duty? Phineas Leman pulled rank on me … Словарь американских идиом
pull rank — assert one s superior position or authority on a person of lower rank in order to get a privilege or favor The navy officer pulled rank on the other officers and was able to stay in the best hotel during the trip … Idioms and examples
pull rank — vp To force someone to do something because you have the authority to do so. I didn t want to go but the boss pulled rank on me and made me. 1920s … Historical dictionary of American slang