poontang — (n.) c.1910, probably via New Orleans Creole, from Fr. putain prostitute, from O.Fr. pute whore, probably from fem. of V.L. *puttus (Cf. O.It. putta girl ), from L. putus, with derogatory sense. But also possibly from O.Fr. put, from L. putidus… … Etymology dictionary
poontang — ☆ poontang [po͞on′taŋ΄ ] n. [Vulgar Slang] Vulgar Slang 1. sexual intercourse with a woman 2. a woman or women collectively regarded only as a sexual partner: a disparaging or dismissive term … English World dictionary
poontang — noun a) Female genitalia; the vulva or vagina. I gotta get me some poontang tonight. b) Sexual intercourse with a woman. Syn: poon, tang … Wiktionary
poontang — [B] sex, intercourse, nookie Listen, guys, poontang should be measured in quality, not quantity … English idioms
poontang — /poohn tang/, n. Slang (vulgar). 1. sexual intercourse with a woman. 2. Offensive. a woman regarded as a sexual object. [1925 30, Amer.; said to be < Limba (West Atlantic language of Sierra Leone) puntun vagina, though the late documentation of… … Universalium
poontang — n American 1. the female pudenda 2. women in general, seen as sexual objects. The word is from Louisiana French in which it is a corruption of putain (the standard French term for whore), first applied to black women. ► I guess this means my poon … Contemporary slang
poontang — female genitalia … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand
poontang — [ pu:ntaŋ] noun N. Amer. vulgar slang 1》 sexual activity. 2》 a woman or women regarded in terms of potential sexual gratification. Origin 1920s: alt. of Fr. putain prostitute … English new terms dictionary
poontang — poon·tang … English syllables
poontang — /ˈpuntæŋ/ (say poohntang) noun US Colloquial (taboo) 1. the vagina and external female genitalia. 2. sexual intercourse with a woman. 3. a woman or women in general, seen in a sexual context. {? French putain prostitute} …