
   a non-critical and unthinking supporter
   A shortened form of team player:
    Bill Clinton had appointed him to the Board of Arkansas Private Investigators. He was a player. He knew how to keep his mouth shut, too. (Evans-Pritchard, 1997)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Player — may refer to: * Player (dating), slang term for a (usually male, but also female) individual skilled at sexual seduction * Player (game), a participant in a game ** Player character ** Player coach ** Player manager ** Player (political)Theatre,… …   Wikipedia

  • Player — (englisch) bezeichnet: in der deutschen Übersetzung einen (aktiven) Spieler, Mitspieler umgangssprachlich einen Marktteilnehmer in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, siehe auch Global Player ein Gerät für die Wiedergabe von Mediendaten auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Player — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Player Álbum de M.Pokora Publicación 26 de enero, 2006 (FRA) Grabación 2005 …   Wikipedia Español

  • player — [n1] person participating in sport amateur, athlete, champ, competitor, contestant, jock*, member, opponent, participant, pro, professional, rookie, sportsperson, superjock*, sweat*, team player; concept 366 Ant. fan, spectator player [n2] person …   New thesaurus

  • PLAYER (G.) — PLAYER GARY (1935 ) Vainqueur de trois Masters (dont le dernier à quarante deux ans), deux British Open, deux U.S. Open et un U.S.P.G.A., le Sud Africain Gary Player est l’un des trois golfeurs – avec Ben Hogan et Jack Nicklaus – à s’être imposé… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • player — [PLÉ IER] s. n. aparat pentru redarea înregistrărilor play back. (< engl. player) Trimis de raduborza, 21.05.2008. Sursa: MDN  player (angl.) [pron. pléĭăr] (pla yer) s. n., pl. playere Trimis de gall, 21.05.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 …   Dicționar Român

  • Player — Play er, n. 1. One who plays, or amuses himself; one without serious aims; an idler; a trifler. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. One who plays any game. [1913 Webster] 3. A dramatic actor. Shak. [1913 Webster] 4. One who plays on an instrument of music. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • player — [plā′ər] n. 1. a person who plays a game [a football player] 2. a performer in a drama; actor 3. a person who plays a musical instrument 4. a gambler 5. a person or group regarded as a chief or legitimate participant in some competitive activity …   English World dictionary

  • player — index bettor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • player — (n.) late 14c., agent noun from PLAY (Cf. play) (v.). As a pimp s word for himself (also playa), attested from 1974 …   Etymology dictionary

  • player — *actor, performer, mummer, mime, mimic, thespian, impersonator, trouper …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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