over the top — {adv. phr.} 1. Out of the trenches and against the enemy. * /The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over the top at dawn./ * /Johnny found that he was braver than he thought he would be when his company went over the top./ 2. Over … Dictionary of American idioms
over the top — {adv. phr.} 1. Out of the trenches and against the enemy. * /The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over the top at dawn./ * /Johnny found that he was braver than he thought he would be when his company went over the top./ 2. Over … Dictionary of American idioms
Over the Top — Infobox Film name = Over the Top caption = original movie poster for Over the Top amg id = 1:36935 imdb id = 0093692 director = Menahem Golan writer = Gary Conway David Engelbach (story) Stirling Silliphant Sylvester Stallone (screenplay)… … Wikipedia
over-the-top — adjective Date: 1984 extremely or excessively flamboyant or outrageous < an over the top performance > … New Collegiate Dictionary
over the top — phrasal beyond the bounds of what is expected, usual, normal, or appropriate … New Collegiate Dictionary
Going over the top — is a military phrase derived from the trench warfare of the First World War (generally, trench warfare was used on the Western Front). Attacks starting from trenches required infantry to climb over the top of the parapet before they could cross… … Wikipedia
The Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame... — The Top 5 Reasons You Can t Blame... was a sports series that debuted in 2005 and aired on ESPN2 and ESPN Classic. The show ran from April 2005 to April 2007. The show was canceled when ESPN Classic phased out the production of original programs … Wikipedia
Over the Edge (radio) — Over the Edge (or, OTE) is a sound collage radio program hosted and produced in the United States by Don Joyce. Joyce is also a member of the pioneering sound collage band Negativland, members of which frequently make guest appearances on Over… … Wikipedia
Over the Hills and Far Away (traditional) — Over the Hills and Far Away is a traditional English song, dating back to at least the early 1700s. One version was published in Thomas D Urfey s Pills to Purge Melancholy in 1706, a very different one appeared in George Farquhar s play The… … Wikipedia
Over the River and through the Woods — is a Thanksgiving song by Lydia Maria Child. Written originally as a poem, it appeared in her Flowers for Children, Volume 2, in 1844. The title of the poem is, A Boy s Thanksgiving Day . It celebrates her childhood memories of visiting her… … Wikipedia
Over the Hedge (film) — Over the Hedge Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Johnson Karey Kirkpatrick … Wikipedia