- over-familiar
- making an unwanted sexual approach to a female
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.
over-familiar — … Useful english dictionary
familiar — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. intimate, close; acquainted, well versed; common; presumptuous. n. intimate, associate; familiar spirit (see mythical deities, demon). See friend, nearness, sociality, insolence. Ant., unfamiliar,… … English dictionary for students
Over There (Fringe) — Over There Fringe episode … Wikipedia
Over My Dead Body (novel) — Over My Dead Body … Wikipedia
Over Sea, Under Stone — … Wikipedia
Familiar spirit — In early modern English superstition, a familiar spirit, imp, or familiar (from Middle English familiar , related to family) is an animal shaped spirit who serves for witchery, a demon, or other magician related subjects. Familiars were imagined… … Wikipedia
Over Soul — In either anime or manga media variation of Shaman King , nihongo|Over Soul|オーバーソウル is the general term referring to a type of shamanic magic a shaman uses to materialize a ghost onto the physical plane. Any type of O.S. often rely on the… … Wikipedia
familiar — A spirit that maintains regular contact with a person, sometimes acting in service or guardianship, or providing information and instruction. The term familiar is from the Latin term familiaris, meaning “of a household or domestic.”… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce — The Over the Rhine Chamber of Commerce, located at 1401 Main st. in Cincinnati, Ohio is a chamber of commerce that serves to promote economic vitality in the Over the Rhine neighborhood of Cincinnati. The OTRCC provides a forum for diverse… … Wikipedia
familiar — Synonyms and related words: Bohemian, abreast, accepted, accustomed, acquaintance, acquainted, acquainted with, advocate, affable, alter ego, amicable, amigo, ancestral spirits, angel, arrogant, attendant godling, au courant, au fait, audacious,… … Moby Thesaurus