Taking the piss — To take the piss is a British slang expression meaning to tease or ridicule. Take the mickey (or variations) are euphemistic ways of conveying this expression where the word piss may be vulgar. UsageThe term sometimes refers to a form of mockery… … Wikipedia
on the piss — (slang) Engaged in a bout of heavy drinking • • • Main Entry: ↑piss * * * on the piss british impolite phrase spending time drinking a lot of alcohol Thesaurus: drunksynonym … Useful english dictionary
take the piss — 1. to make a joke about someone or to make someone look silly. They re always taking the piss out of her because she s a Barry Manilow fan. (often + out of) You should wear miniskirts more often you ve got the legs for them. Are you taking the… … New idioms dictionary
take the piss — verb a) To tease, ridicule or mock (someone). You know, cos he was like taking the piss out of them and they took the piss out of him. b) To subject those present to teasing, ridicule or mockery, or to show … Wiktionary
take the piss — British impolite 1) to say something to try to make someone look silly take the piss out of: His friends were taking the piss out of him. 2) to say or do something that annoys people because they think it is unreasonable £5 for a cup of coffee!… … English dictionary
Taking\ the\ piss — Pulling someone s leg, putting them on. British origins. Also, ripping the piss, a superlative. When Bob told me that the WTC towers were hit by hijacked terrorist airplanes, I thought he was taking the piss … Dictionary of american slang
Taking\ the\ piss — Pulling someone s leg, putting them on. British origins. Also, ripping the piss, a superlative. When Bob told me that the WTC towers were hit by hijacked terrorist airplanes, I thought he was taking the piss … Dictionary of american slang
take the piss — ► take the piss Brit. tease or mock. Main Entry: ↑piss … English terms dictionary
take the piss — ( ● piss … Useful english dictionary
Taking the piss — One of the things Americans find hardest about the Brits is our sense of humour. It is obviously different and is mainly based on irony, sarcasm and an in built desire to take the piss . This has nothing to do with urine, but simply meansmaking… … The American's guide to speaking British
take the piss — Vrb phrs. 1. To ridicule, to tease, to make fun off. Cf. extract the urine . 2. To take advantage of, to exploit. E.g. Just because they like looking after their grand children, doesn t mean you can dump the kids on them every weekend whilst you… … English slang and colloquialisms