
   1. American
   to kill
   Perhaps a shortened form of bump 5 (OFF ):
    Maybe he stiffed the waiter and the guy followed him down here and offed him. (Sanders, 1973)
   To off yourself is to commit suicide:
    I just don't want to off myself like so many cops do. (Wambaugh, 1975)
   2. with its implications of departure and decay precedes many phrases indicating types of mental illness as follows:
    Off at the side, of a mild condition, is obsolete: Not 'all there' — 'off at the side'. (Linton, 1866)
   Off your head covers anything from a temporary forgetfulness to lunacy, with many slang variants for head, such as chump, gourd, napper, nut, onion, and turnip:
    I must be going off my chump. (Wodehouse, 1930)
    He feared she had gone off her gourd, and he was scared. (Sanders, 1982)
    The fixture was scratched owing to events occurring which convinced the old boy I was off my napper. (Wodehouse, 1930)
    When... she informed him one day that she was engaged... he went right off his onion. (Wodehouse, 1922)
    Unless he had gone off his turnip, I suppose, (le Carré, 1980 — the victim had not lost his appetite)
   Another group of phrases comes from disabled transport, with the vehicle figuratively leaving the rails, its tree (or axle), or the rocker or trolley which picks up the overhead electric supply of a tram or trolley-bus:
    ... a very unstable personality placed in this environment would go off the rails. {Macleans Magazine, 9 November 1993)
    Who the hell is she? She's off her tree, (le Carré, 1989)
    I think he was really off his rocker for a bit. (Amis, 1988)
    There are moments when I wonder if I'm tipping off my trolley. (Deighton, 1985)
   The American off the wall, from the unpredictable bounce off the fence in baseball, can be used of mental illness or figuratively:
    ... it was a crazy cackle, and maybe she really was off the wall. (Sanders, 1982)
    It's bizarre. Oil nuts? A processing plant? It's off the wall. (O'Hanlon, 1996)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • off — off …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • off — [ ɔf ] adj. inv. et adv. • 1944; de l angl. off screen « hors de l écran » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Adj. Cin., télév. Qui n est pas sur l écran, n est pas lié à l image; hors champ (opposé à in). Le narrateur est off. Une voix off commente la scène. Adv. En …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Off — ([o^]f; 115), adv. [OE. of, orig. the same word as R. of, prep., AS. of, adv. & prep. [root]194. See {Of}.] In a general sense, denoting from or away from; as: [1913 Webster] 1. Denoting distance or separation; as, the house is a mile off. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • off — off1 [ôf, äf] adv. [LME var. of of,OF1, later generalized for all occurrences of of in stressed positions] 1. so as to be or keep away, at a distance, to a side, etc. [to move off, to ward off] 2. so as to be measured, divided, etc. [to pace off …   English World dictionary

  • off — off; cast·off; off·en; off·ing; off·ish; off·let; off·scape; off·sid·er; off·spring; off·ward; stand·off·ish; off·hand·ed·ly; off·hand·ed·ness; off·ish·ly; off·ish·ness; off·wards; stand·off·ish·ly; stand·off·ish·ness; …   English syllables

  • off — (izg. ȍf) prid. DEFINICIJA term. 1. koji nije aktiviran, izvan službe; isključen 2. koji je drugačiji od uobičajenog, normalnog, standardnog; osebujan 3. koji je izvan službenog dijela programa, rasprave, razgovora SINTAGMA offbeat (izg. offbȋt)… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Off! — Жанр Хардкор панк Годы с 2009 Страна …   Википедия

  • Off — Off, prep. Not on; away from; as, to be off one s legs or off the bed; two miles off the shore. Addison. [1913 Webster] {Off hand}. See {Offhand}. {Off side} (Football), out of play; said when a player has got in front of the ball in a scrimmage …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Off — Off, a. 1. On the farther side; most distant; on the side of an animal or a team farthest from the driver when he is on foot; in the United States, the right side; as, the off horse or ox in a team, in distinction from the {nigh} or {near} horse… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Off — steht für: Off Broadway oder Off Theater, Begriffe aus dem Theaterbereich Off camera, Erzählstimmen, Geräusche und Musik in einer visuellen Produktion, die zu hören, aber nicht zu sehen sind (aus dem Off) Die Abkürzung Off steht für: Offenbarung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • off — s.m.inv., agg.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. s.m.inv., agg.inv., in diciture su interruttori, apparecchiature spec. elettriche e sim., indica che non è attivato, che non è in funzione: l interruttore è sull off, posizione off, l amplificatore è… …   Dizionario italiano

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