- non-performing asset
- a loan on which interest is not being paidBankers' jargon. It is in fact the borrower who is failing to perform.
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.
Non Performing Asset — means an asset or account of borrower, which has been classified by a bank or financial institution as sub standard, doubtful or loss asset, in accordance with the directions or guidelines relating to asset classification issued by The Reserve… … Wikipedia
Non-Performing Asset - NPA — A classification used by financial institutions that refer to loans that are in jeopardy of default. Once the borrower has failed to make interest or principal payments for 90 days the loan is considered to be a non performing asset. Also known… … Investment dictionary
Non Performing Assets (NPA) — A ‘non performing asset’ (NPA) was defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and/ or installment of principal has remained ‘past due’ for a specified period of time. With a view to moving towards international best practices… … Wikipedia
non-performing — UK US (also nonperforming) adjective ► FINANCE, BANKING used to describe a loan that is not being paid back in the way that was agreed: »Banks do not have to declare loans as non performing for a year after non payment of interest. ► FINANCE used … Financial and business terms
Non-performing loan — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Non-performing loans — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Non performing loan — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Non performing loans — Notleidende Kredite (auch Non performing Loans, Problemkredite oder umgangssprachlich Faule Kredite ) sind Kredite, bei denen der Schuldner mit der Erfüllung seiner Pflichten bereits in Verzug geraten ist, beziehungsweise die Bank auf Grund der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Asset allocation — is a term used to refer to how an investor distributes his or her investments among various classes of investment vehicles (e.g., stocks and bonds). A large part of financial planning is finding an asset allocation that is appropriate for a given … Wikipedia
Asset-backed security — In finance, an asset backed security is a type of debt security that is based on pools of assets, or collateralized by the cash flows from a specified pool of underlying assets. Assets are pooled to make otherwise minor and uneconomical… … Wikipedia