moonlight flit

moonlight flit
   the clandestine departure of an absconding debtor
   Formerly, a tenant in arrears with his rent, whose chattels could be distrained by the landlord so long as they remained in the rented premises, but not elsewhere:
    He has e'en made a moonlight flitting. (W. Scott, 1822)
   You might in similar fashion have made a moonlight flight, march, touch, or walk, or have been said to bolt or shoot the moon:
    Nobody was allowed to shoot the moon. (Besant and Rice, 1872)
   The term is also used of avoiding other creditors:
    He was fain to make a moonlight flitting, leaving his wife for a time to manage his affairs. (Gait, 1821)
   See also flit2.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • moonlight flit — noun or moonlight flitting slang Britain : a departure by night with one s possessions to avoid paying rent * * * moonlight flit or moonlight flitting noun A hasty removal by night, esp without paying due rent • • • Main Entry: ↑moon * * * moon …   Useful english dictionary

  • moonlight flit — n. (colloq.) (BE) moving without paying one s rent, debts to do a moonlight flit * * * [ˌmuːnlaɪt flɪt(ɪŋ)] (colloq.) (BE) [ moving without paying one s rent, debts ] to do a moonlight flit …   Combinatory dictionary

  • moonlight flit —    Someone who does a moonlight flit leaves a place quickly and in secret, usually to avoid paying debts.     Just before the rent was due he did a moonlight flit …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • moonlight flit — /munlaɪt ˈflɪt/ (say moohnluyt flit) noun Colloquial 1. a departure by night with one s possessions in order to avoid payment of rent. 2. any sudden departure, especially to avoid a disagreeable circumstance. –moonlight flitting, noun …  

  • moonlight flit — n. (British) act of secretly leaving a rented house during the night to avoid paying rent …   English contemporary dictionary

  • moonlight flit —  Departure late at night with one s possessions to avoid paying rent …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • do a moonlight flit — british phrase to leave a place secretly, especially during the night, in order to avoid paying money that you owe Thesaurus: to leave a place quietly and secretlysynonym Main entry: flit * * * do a moonlight flit see ↑moonlight, 1 …   Useful english dictionary

  • do a moonlight flit — British, informal to leave somewhere secretly at night, usually to avoid paying money that you owe. We could always do a moonlight flit that way we wouldn t have to explain about the money …   New idioms dictionary

  • moonlight flitting — noun see moonlight flit * * * moonlight flit or moonlight flitting noun A hasty removal by night, esp without paying due rent • • • Main Entry: ↑moon …   Useful english dictionary

  • flit — flit1 [ flıt ] verb intransitive 1. ) to appear for a very short time: The ghost of a smile flitted across her features. 2. ) to move quickly from one place to another without stopping long: She has flitted from one country to another seeking… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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