
   1. to bribe
   Literally, to apply friction to muscles, to loosen them up. Also as a noun.
   2. American
   to assault violently
   Police jargon for the use of force to obtain information:
    'Shellacking', 'massaging',... and numerous other phrases are employed by the police... as euphemisms to express how they compel reluctant prisoners to refresh their memories. (Lavine, 1930)
   3. masturbation
   One of the services obtainable in a massage parlour:
    'You want a massage,' she says. I says forget it. They don't mean massage. (Theroux, 1975)
   4. to overstate or wrongly increase (figures)
   It is done by brokers seeking to talk up a stock, or accountants wishing to show profits or assets higher than they really are:
    The massaging of profits came at a 'vital time' for the company, which was floated by Walker in 1985. {Daily Telegraph, 3 June 1994 — some officers were accused of false accounting)
   5. to flatter
   Another way figuratively to stroke another:
    The D.A. was massaging him, Paget thought, as he would any defense lawyer with a guilty client in a mildly troublesome case. (R. N. Patterson, 1992)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • massage — [ masaʒ ] n. m. • 1812; de 2. masser ♦ Action de masser. Massage avec les mains, avec des instruments. Manœuvres de massage : claquement, effleurage, friction, hachure, percussion, pétrissage, pincement, pression, tapotement, vibration. Massage… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • massage — [mə säzh′, məsäj′] n. [Fr < masser, to massage < Ar massa, to touch] a rubbing, kneading, etc. of part of the body, usually with the hands, as to stimulate circulation and make muscles or joints supple, relieve tension, etc. vt. massaged,… …   English World dictionary

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  • massage — [n] kneading of body parts back rub, beating, chirapsia, manipulation, rolfing*, rubbing, rubbing down, stroking; concepts 308,310 massage [v] knead body parts caress, manipulate, pat, press, push, rolf*, rub, rub down, stimulate, stroke;… …   New thesaurus

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  • massage — ► NOUN ▪ the rubbing and kneading of parts of the body with the hands to relieve tension or pain. ► VERB 1) give a massage to. 2) manipulate (figures) to give a more acceptable result. 3) gently flatter (someone s ego). ORIGIN French, probably… …   English terms dictionary

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