
   a drunkard
   Literally, succulent:
    He was a lush. He got the sack. (Theroux, 1983 — he was dismissed for drunkenness, not given some dry white wine)
   Formerly a lush was an intoxicant:
    We gets in some lush, and 'as some frens, and goes in for a regular blow-hout. (Mayhew, 1862)
   Lushy and lushed mean drunk:
    And when Tom kicked up shines... or would get himself lushy three days at a time, or gallivant with whores and mollishers... (Fraser, 1997 — mollishers were women)
    ... on a bench by a railing of the boat, lushed to the gills. (L. Armstrong, 1955)
   All these drunken images were once recalled by reference to a London lawyer, Alderman Lushington.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Lush! — is a night club in Portrush, Northern Ireland. Located in the Kellys Golf Links Hotel, the club is the largest in the complex, which houses a number of bars. Opened in 1996, it has played host to the majority of the worlds notable electronic… …   Wikipedia

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  • lush — lush1 [lush] adj. [ME lusch, ? echoic var. of lassch, soft, flaccid < OFr lasche, lax, loose < laschier, to loosen < LL * lascare < * lascus, altered by metathesis < L laxus, LAX] 1. tender and full of juice 2. of luxuriant growth… …   English World dictionary

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  • lush|y — «LUHSH ee», adjective, lush|i|er, lush|i|est. tender; soft; lush …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lush — (l[u^]sh), a. [Prob. an abbrev. of lushious, fr. luscious.] 1. Full of juice or succulence. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green! Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Having thick and luxurient vegetation. [PJC] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lush — Ⅰ. lush [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of vegetation) luxuriant. 2) rich or luxurious. 3) informal sexually attractive. DERIVATIVES lushly adverb lushness noun. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • Lush — Lush, n. [Etymol uncertain; said to be fr. Lushington, name of a London brewer.] 1. Liquor, esp. intoxicating liquor; drink. [Slang] C. Lever. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. an habitual drunkard. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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