
   1. obsolete
   indicating illegitimacy
   From the bar sinister on a coat of arms, which is a sign of bastardy.
   2. homosexual
   Using the same imagery as left-footer:
    'You don't think Andy's a bit left handed, do you?' he asked Paddy over a nightcap. 'You never hear of him going with girls.' (le Carré, 1996)
   A homosexual may also be said to have two left hands:
    He couldn't stomach... being at the beck and call of bar-keeps, piano players with two left hands, frail sisters, and soiled doves. (Vanderhaeghe, 1997)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • left-handed — left handedly, adv. left handedness, n. /left han did/, adj. 1. having the left hand more dominant or effective than the right; preferably using the left hand: a left handed pitcher. 2. adapted to or performed by the left hand: a left handed… …   Universalium

  • left-handed — left hand|ed [ left hændəd ] adjective 1. ) someone who is left handed is born with a natural tendency to use their left hand to do things, especially things such as writing: My mom s left handed. a left handed pitcher a ) only before noun used… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Left-handed — Left hand ed, a. 1. Having the left hand or arm stronger and more dexterous than the right; using the left hand and arm with more dexterity than the right. [1913 Webster] 2. Clumsy; awkward; unlucky; insincere; sinister; malicious; as, a left… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • left-handed — adj 1.) a left handed person uses their left hand for writing, throwing etc ≠ ↑right handed 2.) [only before noun] left handed tools have been made for left handed people to use ▪ left handed scissors 3.) left handed compliment AmE a statement… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • left-handed — left′ hand′ed adj. 1) having the left hand more dominant or effective than the right; preferably using the left hand: a left handed pitcher[/ex] 2) adapted to or performed by the left hand: a left handed tool; a left handed tennis serve[/ex] 3)… …   From formal English to slang

  • left-handed — [left′han′did] adj. 1. using the left hand more skillfully than, and in preference to, the right 2. done with the left hand 3. clumsy; awkward 4. designating an insincere or ambiguous compliment; BACKHANDED (sense 2) 5. MORGANATIC: from the… …   English World dictionary

  • left-handed — late 14c., of persons; 1650s of tools, etc., from LEFT (Cf. left) (adj.). In 15c. it also could mean maimed. Sense of underhanded is from early 17c., as in left handed compliment (1787, also attested 1855 in pugilism slang for a punch with the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • left-handed — ► ADJECTIVE 1) using or done with the left hand. 2) turning to the left; towards the left. 3) (of a screw) advanced by turning anticlockwise. 4) ambiguous …   English terms dictionary

  • left-handed — UK [ˌleft ˈhændɪd] / US [left ˈhændəd] adjective 1) a) someone who is left handed is born with a natural tendency to use their left hand to do things, especially things such as writing My mum s left handed. a left handed batsman b) [only before… …   English dictionary

  • left-handed — adjective 1 someone who is left handed uses their left hand for most things, especially writing 2 done with the left hand: a left handed shot 3 made to be used by left handed people: left handed scissors 4 left handed compliment AmE a statement… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • left-handed — ADJ Someone who is left handed uses their left hand rather than their right hand for activities such as writing and sports and for picking things up. I noticed she was left handed... There is a place in London that supplies practically everything …   English dictionary

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