lay to rest

lay to rest
   to inter a corpse
   The common sleeping imagery:
    But that did not lessen the sadness I felt at not being able to make her life more comfortable, or the pain of not being able to lay her to rest. (Mandela, 1994 — he was not allowed to leave prison to attend his mother's funeral)
   See also at rest.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • lay to rest — ► lay to rest 1) bury (a body) in a grave. 2) soothe and dispel (fear, anxiety, etc.). Main Entry: ↑lay …   English terms dictionary

  • lay to rest — verb place in a grave or tomb (Freq. 2) Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday • Syn: ↑bury, ↑entomb, ↑inhume, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • lay to rest — get rid of, put away permanently, stop They have been trying to lay to rest the rumors about the financial problems in the company …   Idioms and examples

  • lay to rest something — lay to rest (something) (or lay (something) to rest) see ↑rest, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑lay …   Useful english dictionary

  • lay to rest — lay (something) to rest to solve or end something. The trial will lay all worry to rest that the wrong man was accused of this crime …   New idioms dictionary

  • lay to rest — lay (someone) to rest to bury a dead person. Hattie died peacefully at age 93 and was laid to rest in the church cemetery …   New idioms dictionary

  • lay to rest — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To put a dead person into a grave or tomb; bury. * /President Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery./ 2. To get rid of; put away permanently; stop. * /The Scoutmaster s fears that Tom had drowned were… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay to rest — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To put a dead person into a grave or tomb; bury. * /President Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery./ 2. To get rid of; put away permanently; stop. * /The Scoutmaster s fears that Tom had drowned were… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay\ to\ rest — v. phr. informal 1. To put a dead person into a grave or tomb; bury. President Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. 2. To get rid of; put away permanently; stop. The Scoutmaster s fears that Tom had drowned were laid to rest… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • lay to rest — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. inter, give burial (to), lay in the grave; see bury 1 …   English dictionary for students

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