- joy
- 1. copulationFor male or female, as in mutual joy(s):... the woman seeking mutual joys courts him to run the race of love. (Lucretius, in translation)Whence the punning joy ride, a single act of copulation; joy-girl or joy-boy, a prostitute; and joy-house, a brothel:I had no fatigue, indeed, I felt better for our joy ride. (F. Harris, 1925)The gambling casino on the lake, and the fifty-dollar joy girls. (Chandler, 1953)I ain't been in a joy house in twenty years. (Chandler, 1940)2. heroinThe sensation illegal users seek:The Family doesn't sell crack or joy. That's on principle. (Fiennes, 1996)Joy is also used attributively in many compounds, such as joy popper, an occasional user; joy powder, morphine; joy flakes, cocaine; joy ride, being under narcotic influence; joy rider, a person taking drugs; joy smoke, marijuana; joy stick, an opium.
How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. R. W. Holder. 2014.