
   (of a male)
   to masturbate
   Literally, to move back and forth:
    'Nothing of the sort, he lay there jiggling like.' (I guessed what she meant... frigging himself.) (F. Harris, 1925, writing of Carlyle's behaviour on his wedding night.
   Evidently Mrs Carlyle had more to put up with than the celebrated cup of tea thrown at her by her husband, or less)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Jiggle — Jig gle, v. i. [Freq. of jig.] To wriggle or frisk about; to move awkwardly; to shake up and down. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • jiggle — (v.) 1836, from JIG (Cf. jig) (q.v.) + le, frequentative suffix. Related: Jiggled; jiggling. As a noun, from 1840 …   Etymology dictionary

  • jiggle — [v] bounce up and down agitate, bob, fidget, jerk, jig, jigger, jog, joggle, shake, shimmer, shimmy, twitch, vellicate, wiggle; concepts 150,152 …   New thesaurus

  • jiggle — ► VERB ▪ move lightly and quickly from side to side or up and down. ► NOUN ▪ an instance of jiggling. DERIVATIVES jiggly adjective. ORIGIN partly an alteration of JOGGLE(Cf. ↑joggle), reinforced by JIG(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • jiggle — [jig′əl] vt., vi. jiggled, jiggling [dim. or freq. of JIG1, v.vi. vt.] to move in a succession of quick, slight jerks; rock lightly n. a jiggling movement …   English World dictionary

  • jiggle — UK [ˈdʒɪɡ(ə)l] / US verb Word forms jiggle : present tense I/you/we/they jiggle he/she/it jiggles present participle jiggling past tense jiggled past participle jiggled a) [intransitive] to move slightly up and down or from side to side more than …   English dictionary

  • jiggle — 1. noun /ˈdʒɪɡəl/ a weak, shaking movement. Give the key a jiggle and see if it opens. 2. verb /ˈdʒɪɡəl/ a) To shake something gently; to rattle or wiggle …   Wiktionary

  • jiggle — [[t]ʤɪ̱g(ə)l[/t]] jiggles, jiggling, jiggled 1) VERB If you jiggle something, you move it quickly up and down or from side to side. [INFORMAL] [V n] He jiggled the doorknob noisily. 2) VERB To jiggle around means to move quickly up and down or… …   English dictionary

  • jiggle — verb (jiggled; jiggling) Etymology: frequentative of 2jig Date: 1836 transitive verb to cause to move with quick little jerks or oscillating motions intransitive verb to move from or as if from being jiggled • jiggle noun • jiggly adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Jiggle — This unusual and interesting name is a variant form of the name Jekyll , itself of Breton or Cornish origin and deriving from a Celtic personal name, in Old Breton Indicael , composed of elements meaning Lord , with generous, bountiful . The name …   Surnames reference

  • jiggle — verb Jiggle is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑jelly …   Collocations dictionary

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