
   1. the sexual attractiveness of females as perceived by males
   A survival from the 1930s prudery about sex:
    'It is not beauty that makes every head (except one) turn on the beach to look at her.' 'It's IT, my boy,' said the Major. (Christie, 1940)
   2. copulation
   A usage without any prior reference to the subject matter:
    I would have asked you anyway... you see, I like it with you. (Bradbury, 1976)
   3. the male or female genitals
   Again, the subject has not been previously introduced:
    Whereas in Jake's youth he had gawped at a girl with upper clothing disarranged to reveal a, to him, rare glimpse of 'them', he is now horrified to find himself staring much lower down at a sharply focussed full-colour close-up of 'it'. (F. Muir, 1990, writing of K. Amis's Jake's Thing)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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