hit the wall

hit the wall
   to become a fugitive
   Climb over the wall would seem more appropriate:
    Cuz hit the wall man. Ain no tellin where that mother gone. (Turow, 1996 — Cuz was not a cousin but a fellow gangster: nor was he a mother who had borne children)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • hit the wall — US ► to be a financial failure: »The question mark is whether the company is going to hit the wall. Main Entry: ↑hit …   Financial and business terms

  • hit the wall — phrasal 1. : to reach the point of physical exhaustion during strenuous activity 2. : to reach a limiting point or situation at which progress or success ceases * * * hit a/the/wall phrase to reach a point where you are physically or mentally… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hit the wall — In endurance sports, particularly cycling and running, hitting the wall or the bonk describes the condition when an athlete suddenly loses energy and becomes fatigued, the result of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles becoming depleted.… …   Wikipedia

  • hit the wall — (of an athlete) experience a sudden loss of energy in a long race. → wall …   English new terms dictionary

  • hit the wall — med spo idi to reach a point in a long distance race when the body s fuels are virtually depleted and willpower becomes crucial to the ability to finish …   From formal English to slang

  • hit the wall — phrasal 1. to reach the point of physical exhaustion during strenuous activity 2. to reach a limiting point or situation at which progress or success ceases …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hit a/the wall — see ↑wall, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑hit hit a/the wall informal : to reach a point at which you find it very difficult or impossible to continue He worked late every day and took frequent business trips for several years before he finally hit the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hit the (brick) wall — hit a/the (brick) wall informal if you hit the wall when you are trying to achieve something, you reach a situation where you cannot make any more progress. We ve just about hit the wall in terms of what we can do to balance the budget. The… …   New idioms dictionary

  • The Wall (disambiguation) — The Wall is an album by Pink Floyd.The Wall may also refer to:Music* The Wall (band) * The Wall (1957 song), by Patti Page * The Wall, a song by Johnny Cash on the album At Folsom Prison * The Wall, , a song by Kansas on the album Leftoverture *… …   Wikipedia

  • hit a wall — ► to reach a point at which no more progress can be made: »The energy bill is expected to hit a wall in the Senate, where Republicans have enough votes to block it. Main Entry: ↑hit …   Financial and business terms

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