
   to ingest a taboo substance
   For railroad engineers, a highball was a clear track; for drinkers, an alcoholic mixture in a tall glass; for drug addicts, an amalgam of narcotics:
    She had been 'highballing' a mixture of cocaine and crystal and was totally 'strung out'. (Evans-Pritchard, 1997)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • highball — ☆ highball [hī′bôl΄ ] n. [ HIGHBALL sense 1 < ? HIGH + ball, bartender s slang for “whiskey glass”: infl. ? by the v.] 1. liquor, usually whiskey or brandy, mixed with water, soda water, ginger ale, etc. and served with ice in a tall glass 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • highball — high ball (h[imac] b[add]l ), n. 1. An alcoholic beverage having a liquor such as whiskey mixed with water or a carbonated beverage, and usually served with ice in a tall glass. [WordNet sense 1] [WordNet 1.5] 2. (Railroads) A railroad track… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • highball — type of alcoholic drink, 1898, probably from ball drink of whiskey; high because it is served in a tall glass …   Etymology dictionary

  • highball — N. Amer. ► NOUN ▪ a long drink consisting of a spirit and a mixer such as soda, served with ice. ► VERB informal ▪ travel fast …   English terms dictionary

  • Highball — A highball is the name for a family of mixed drinks that are composed of an alcoholic base spirit and a larger proportion of a non alcoholic mixer. Originally, the most common highball was made with rye whiskey and ginger ale.… …   Wikipedia

  • Highball — Ein klassischer Highball: Gin and Tonic Highball ist eine Bezeichnung für Cocktails beziehungsweise Longdrinks, die in erster Linie zum Durststillen und Erfrischen dienen. Die Basisspirituose wird hierbei immer mit Soda oder einem anderen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Highball — High|ball 〈[haıbɔ:l] m. 6〉 mit Mineralwasser verdünnter Whiskey od. Likör [engl. amerikan., eigtl. „hoher Ball“, auch „schneller Zug“, urspr. Bez. für einen an einer Stange befestigten Metallball, der Zügen freie Durchfahrt signalisierte] * * *… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • highball — n. type of drink to make, mix a highball * * * [ haɪbɔːl] mix a highball [ type of drink ] to make …   Combinatory dictionary

  • highball — UK [ˈhaɪˌbɔːl] / US [ˈhaɪˌbɔl] noun [countable] Word forms highball : singular highball plural highballs mainly American an alcoholic drink made by mixing whisky with water or soda, usually served in a tall glass …   English dictionary

  • highball — 1. noun a) A cocktail made from spirit plus soda water etc. b) An all clear or full speed ahead signal. 2. verb a) To …   Wiktionary

  • Highball — High|ball [ haibɔ:l] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. highball> ↑Longdrink auf der Basis von Whisky mit zerkleinerten Eisstücken, Zitronenschale u. anderen Zusätzen …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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