goon squad

goon squad
   members of a police or military unit capable of acting violently or ruthlessly
   A goon was, in dialect, a simpleton, whence a German guard in a prisoner-of-war camp:
    Either Jericho has been taken and has told the goon squad everything, or he's up to something. (Forsyth, 1994 — Jericho was an informant in Iraq)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Goon Squad — can refer to: * A group, frequently but not always vigilante in nature, usually run by less than savory government or labor figures. * Goon Squad, a dance music group assembled by Arthur Baker in the mid 1980s; or the eponymous song from that… …   Wikipedia

  • goon squad — 1. n. an organized group of thugs; a gang of toughs. (Underworld.) □ Sam and his goon squad are lurking about. □ The goon squad Mr. Big sent around scared the devil out of Bart. 2. n. the police. □ Here comes the goon squad. Watch out! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • goon squad — a group of hired thugs used to perform ruthless or violent acts. [1935 40] * * * goon squad, a gang of terrorists …   Useful english dictionary

  • Goon Squad (band) — Goon Squad was a dance music group assembled by producer Arthur Baker. Their song Eight Arms to Hold You went to number one on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart in 1985. [ [ display.jsp?cfi=359… …   Wikipedia

  • goon squad — noun A group of individuals serving as enforcers, bodyguards, and the like, especially persons hired for such a purpose and using violent, thuggish methods. He denied charges that the union was using goon squads, as strong arm detachments are… …   Wiktionary

  • goon squad — a group of hired thugs used to perform ruthless or violent acts. [1935 40] * * * …   Universalium

  • A Visit From the Goon Squad — est un roman de l écrivaine américaine Jennifer Egan publié en 2010. Il a remporté le Prix Pulitzer de l œuvre de fiction en 2011. Portail de la littérature …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Goon — A goon is is a term for a hired thug. That is usually sent out to do the dirty work for the people who hire them. It is also used as a word meaning fool. A goon can also be a member of a gang like the Goon Squad.Goon may also refer to: *… …   Wikipedia

  • Goon Show Preservation Society — The Goon Show Preservation Society is a non profit organisation formed to help preserve and research the history of the Goon Show . It was founded in 1972 by theatre critic Michael Coveney.The society maintains an archive of Goon Show material,… …   Wikipedia

  • goon — I. /gun / (say goohn) noun Colloquial 1. a stupid person. 2. a hired thug: goon squad. 3. a hooligan or tough. {? from British dialect gooney a simpleton; influenced by the character Alice the Goon created by EC Segar, 1894–1938, US cartoonist}… …  

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