
   someone in a situation or occupation the subject of vilification or taboo
   In obsolete British use, he might be poor and involuntarily unemployed, a grim joke on the wealthy who did not need to work:
    He is a gentleman now, without seeking the shelter of the workhouse. (O'Reilly, 1880)
   The gentlemen were smugglers:
    If the gentlemen come along don't you look out o' window. (Egerton, 1884)
   And in many phrases such as gentleman of fortune, a pirate; gentleman of the cloth, a tailor, punning on the clergy; gentleman of the road, formerly a highway thief but in modern use, a tramp.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • Gentleman — Gentleman …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • gentleman — [ ʒɑ̃tləman; dʒɛntləman ] n. m. • 1698; gentilleman 1558; angl. gentleman, d apr. gentilhomme 1 ♦ Homme distingué, d une parfaite éducation. ⇒ gentilhomme (2o). Se comporter en gentleman. Arsène Lupin, le gentleman cambrioleur. Des gentlemans ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gentleman — en 2005. Tilmann Otto (19 de abril de 1975 en Osnabrück, Alemania), mejor conocido por su nombre artístico Gentleman, es un Músico del Reggae. Contenido 1 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gentleman — Sm Mann von Lebensart und Charakter erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. gentleman, einer Lehnübersetzung zu frz. gentilhomme, beides ursprünglich Edelmann . ne. gentle geht über frz. gentil zurück auf l. gentīlis… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Gentleman — Gen tle*man, n.; pl. {Gentlemen}. [OE. gentilman nobleman; gentil noble + man man; cf. F. gentilhomme.] [1913 Webster] 1. A man well born; one of good family; one above the condition of a yeoman. [1913 Webster] 2. One of gentle or refined… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gentleman — GENTLEMAN, gentlemeni, s.m. Bărbat cu comportări alese, ireproşabile, cu caracter distins. [pr.: géntlmen] – cuv. engl. Trimis de gall, 03.05.2008. Sursa: DEX 98  GENTLEM//AN [pr.: géntlmen] gentlemanani m. Persoană care respectă cu stricteţe… …   Dicționar Român

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  • gentleman — (n.) well born man, early 13c., from GENTLE (Cf. gentle) + MAN (Cf. man). The Gentleman is always truthful and sincere; will not agree for the sake of complaisance or out of weakness ; will not pass over that of which he disapproves. He has a… …   Etymology dictionary

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