force yourself on

force yourself on
   to copulate with
   The male usually does the forcing. Also as force your ardour or force your attentions on:
    You are not the sort of man to force yourself on me against my will. (A. Massie, 1986)
   This was the evening when the conquerors of the Afrika Korps were to force their pent-up ardour on the ladies of Alexandria. (Manning, 1977she meant 'the conquerors in the Afrika Korps')
    Willie tried to force his attentions on her. (Kee, 1993Willie O'Shea wanted to copulate with his wife, Katie, at a time when she was bearing children by C. S. Parnell)
   To force favours from may indicate a greater degree of female reluctance.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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