
   a spy
   Literally, anything useful or valuable. Common espionage jargon, according to the spy novelists:
    No, [from] an asset we have in place in Norway. (Clancy, 1986, giving a source of information)
   A unilaterally controlled Latino asset, or UCLA, was a spy or saboteur working for the US Central Intelligence Agency in Latin America:
    ... the CIA had played a direct role in placing underwater mines in three Nicaraguan harbors. This... had all been done by 'unilaterally controlled Latino assets' the UCLA's. (Woodward, 1987)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • asset — as·set / a ˌset, sət/ n [back formation from assets, singular, sufficient property to pay debts and legacies, from Anglo French asetz, from Old French asez enough] 1: the entire property of a person, business organization, or estate that is… …   Law dictionary

  • ASSET — Un Asset est défini comme une ressource basique devant être affichée dans un Navigateur WEB. Un Asset peut être associé à des meta données. Sommaire 1 Dans un contexte de Learning management 2 Dans un contexte de gestion de configurations 3 Voir… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Asset — (engl.) bezeichnet: Vermögen (Wirtschaft), das Vermögen, die Gesamtheit aller Güter Anlagevermögen, in einem Betrieb längerfristig eingesetzte Wirtschaftsgüter Kapitalanlage das zentrale Unternehmensfeld, die Kernkompetenz einen Inhalt (Daten,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • asset — Fowler (1926) called this a ‘false form’, meaning that the true form was assets, derived from a late Anglo French word which came in turn from Latin ad satis meaning ‘to sufficiency’, while asset was the lazy writer s alternative when unwilling… …   Modern English usage

  • ASSET — Source for Software Engineering Technology kommerzieller Ableger des DARPA STARS Projekt, Verwaltungsgesellschaft des WSRD …   Acronyms

  • Asset — [ æsət] das; s, s <aus engl. asset »Stütze, Hilfe« zu altfr. asez (fr. assez) »genug«, dies aus vulgärlat. ad satis>: 1. Vermögenswert eines Unternehmens (Wirtsch.). 2. (meist Plur.) Besonderheit, Ergänzung, Zusatz (z. B. Bild u.… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • ASSET — Source for Software Engineering Technology kommerzieller Ableger des DARPA STARS Projekt, Verwaltungsgesellschaft des WSRD ( …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • asset — /ˈasset, ingl. ˈæsɛt/ [propr. «bene (economico)», dall anglo fr. assetz «(avere) a sufficienza, abbastanza»] s. m. inv. (econ.) bene …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • asset — [n1] advantage aid, benefit, blessing, boon, credit, distinction, help, resource, service, treasure; concept 661 Ant. disadvantage, liability asset(s) [n2] property or money possessed ace in the hole*, ace up sleeve*, backing, bankroll, budget,… …   New thesaurus

  • asset — [as′et] n. [earlier assets < Anglo Fr assetz (in legal phrase aver assetz, to have enough) < OFr assez, enough < VL * ad satis, sufficient < L ad, to + satis, enough: see SAD] 1. anything owned that has exchange value 2. a valuable or …   English World dictionary

  • Asset — As set, n. Any article or separable part of one s assets. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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