fat cat

fat cat
   a person who exploits a senior appointment for personal gain
   Usually of politicians and company directors, who display greed and self-satisfaction, although they do not actually purr:
    There's a fat cat called Rippon who used to be in very big with Heath and who now floats round the City. (Private Eye, November 1980)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • fat-cat — fatˈ cat adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑fat * * * fat cat, U.S. Slang. 1. a wealthy contributor to a political campaign: »Money has given labor a louder voice in politics, although it contends that its political spending is petty cash in comparison …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fat cat — can refer to:* Fat cat (term) a wealthy person who contributes to a political campaign * Fat Cat Records a record label * Fat Cat (Rescue Rangers) a fictional character in the animated series Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers * Fat Cat and Friends an… …   Wikipedia

  • Fat Cat — Records Filiale de Fondé en 1997 Fondateur Statut Actif Maison de disques Genre(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fat|cat — fat cat, U.S. Slang. 1. a wealthy contributor to a political campaign: »Money has given labor a louder voice in politics, although it contends that its political spending is petty cash in comparison with that of industrial fat cats (Atlantic). 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat cat — ˌfat ˈcat noun [countable] JOURNALISM disapproving a rich person, especially someone who does not deserve to be rich: • Pilots have a bad image among their co workers, who view them as fat cats who earn higher salaries. • corporate fat cats and… …   Financial and business terms

  • Fat Cat — (Паттайя,Таиланд) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: 356/96 Moo 12 Soi Watboon, Jomt …   Каталог отелей

  • fat-cat — UK US adjective [before noun] DISAPPROVING ► relating to someone who has made a lot of money, especially without working hard for it or by not caring about their workers, customers, etc.: »fat cat bosses/bankers/lobbyists »fat cat pay… …   Financial and business terms

  • fat cat — fat cats N COUNT (disapproval) If you refer to a businessman or politician as a fat cat, you are indicating that you disapprove of the way they use their wealth and power. [INFORMAL] ...the fat cats who run the bank. ...fat cat corporate types …   English dictionary

  • fat cat — A fat cat is a person who makes a lot of money and enjoys a privileged position in society …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • fat cat — fat ,cat noun count INFORMAL a very rich and powerful person, usually in business or politics. This word shows that you dislike people like this …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fat cat — fat′ cat′ n. sl. 1) gov sts a wealthy person, esp. one who makes large political campaign contributions 2) sts an important or influential person 3) sts a person who is lazy, self satisfied • Etymology: 1925–30, amer …   From formal English to slang

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