
   1. to commit adultery
   The imagery is from falling from grace:
    It is their husband's faults, If wives do fall. (Shakespeare, Othello)
   Less often as a noun, and of any promiscuity:
    The Queen was convinced that what she called 'Bertie's fall' was at least in part responsible for Prince Albert's death. (R. Massie, 1992 — Bertie (later King Edward VII) had fallen in, with, on, and for Nellie Clifton, who had been introduced to his bed and embraces by fellow officers in camp in Ireland)
   2. to become pregnant
   A common modern use, which does not imply illegitimacy. Also as fall in the family way or fall pregnant:
    Annabel Birley has fallen again and delivered another (legitimate) Goldsmith into the world. (A. Waugh in Private Eye, 1980)
    The girl fell in the family way and was sent out of the house. (Mayhew, 1862)
    ... one of the Emalia girls fell pregnant, pregnancy being, of course, an immediate ticket to Auschwitz. (Keneally, 1982)
   To fall for a child or fall wrong to are obsolete:
    There was a lass... who fell wrong to a farmer's son where she had been serving, and he wouldn't marry her. (Saxon, 1878)
   3. to die
   On military service, from being hit by a bullet etc., although the death may not necessarily occur in battle:
    John Cornford had fallen the day after his coming of age. (Boyle, 1979)
   In Hitler's case, the word was used to cover his suicide:
    Adolf Hitler fell in his command post in the Reich Chancellery (official announcement of Hitler's death, 1 May 1945, in translation)
   And see fallen (the).
   4. to be sentenced to prison
   The descent caused by the disgrace and the reversal of fortune:
    I want you to follow my instructions when the case is tried, and if I fall I will find no fault with you. (Moore, 1893)
   5. American
   an arrest
   Against which possibility you may keep handy some fall money, to pay for a lawyer, put up bail, bribe the police, etc.
   6. to be born
   Of a quadruped which gives birth standing:
    The calf is lately fell. (Ellis, 1750)
   7. (of an aircraft) to crash
   It also falls frequently as it manoeuvres, meets air pockets, and makes a controlled landing:
    When the 747-400 fell, the Dalmanns lost their eighteen-year-old daughter. (Koontz, 1997)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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