Measure of Man — (大男人, 小男人) Genre Modern Drama Starring Huang Wenyong Ben Yeo Zhang Yaodong Aileen Tan Lynn Poh Ezann Lee Constance Song Country of origin … Wikipedia
Executive Order 13233 — ExecutiveOrder|13233 limits access to the records of former United States Presidents. It was drafted by then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and issued by President George W. Bush on November 1, 2001. Section 13 of Order 13233 revoked… … Wikipedia
Executive Branch Reform Act — The Executive Branch Reform Act (USBill|110|H.R.|984) is a bill under consideration in the Congress of the United States which would require thousands of federal officials to report into a government database the names of persons who contact them … Wikipedia
Executive Magistrates of the Roman Republic — The Executive Magistrates of the Roman Republic were elected officials of the ancient Roman Republic. The magistrates ( magistratus ) were elected by the People of Rome, which consisted of Plebeians (commoners) and Patricians (aristocrats). Each… … Wikipedia
Unitary executive theory — In American political and legal discourse, the unitary executive theory is a theory or doctrine of Constitutional interpretation that holds it is unconstitutional for Congress to create independent agencies, authorities, or other entities that… … Wikipedia
Oregon Ballot Measure 60 (1998) — Oregon Ballot Measure 60 was a ballot measure in the U.S. state of Oregon in 1998. The measure made Oregon the first state in the United States to conduct its elections exclusively by mail. The measure passed on November 3, 1998, by a margin of… … Wikipedia
legislative measure — A statute; an act or joint resolution of the legislature. A measure passed by a municipal council in the exercise of its legislative, rather than administrative or executive, powers. 37 Am J1st Mun Corp § 209 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal — Pakistan This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Pakistan … Wikipedia
Presidential Republic (1925-1973) — The Presidential Republic ( es. República Presidencial) is the period in the History of Chile spanning from the approbation of the 1925 Constitution on 18 September, 1925, under the government of Arturo Alessandri Palma, to the fall of the… … Wikipedia
Constitutional Tribunal — The Constitutional Tribunal was established under Title IX of the constitution of 1978 and formally legislated into existence the following year. It is charged with upholding and interpreting the constitution, giving the tribunal an authority… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture