cut out

cut out
   to deprive (someone) of something valuable
   Said formerly by sailors, from singling out a ship in the opposing fleet for concerted attack and capture. The term is also used about displacing a female's partner, especially on the dance floor.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • cut-out — cut outs 1) N COUNT A cardboard cut out is a shape that has been cut from thick card. You d swear he was a cardboard cut out except that he d moved his rifle... You can have your picture taken with a cutout of David Beckham. 2) N COUNT: oft N n A …   English dictionary

  • Cut-out — may refer to: Cutout animation Cutout (electric power distribution), a combination fuse and knife switch used on power poles Cut out (espionage), a mechanism used to pass information Cut out (recording industry), deeply discounted or remaindered… …   Wikipedia

  • Cut-Out — Le cut out est une technique d animation. Comme une marionnette, un personnage en cut out est fait à partir de plusieurs parties indépendantes, telles que des mains, des bras, d une tête, des jambes et des pieds. Ces pièces sont liées ensemble en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • cut out — (something) to end or stop something. You should cut out eating ice cream and get more exercise. We cut out cable TV and have saved a lot of money. She wants to cut meat out of her diet altogether …   New idioms dictionary

  • Cut-out — (k[u^]t out ), n. (a) 1. (Telegraphy) A species of switch for changing the current from one circuit to another, or for shortening a circuit. (b) (Elec.) A device for breaking or separating a portion of circuit. [1913 Webster] 2. Something cut out …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cut Out — Cut In ist eine Kameratechnik, bei der nach einem Schnitt ohne Positionsveränderung ein kleinerer Bildausschnitt gezeigt wird. Gegenteilig wird der Begriff Cut Out verwendet. Diese Technik des abgestuften Zoomens wird häufig angewandt, wenn man… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cut|out — «KUHT OWT», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a shape or design to be cut out of paper, cloth, cardboard, wood, or plastic: »Some books for children have cutouts to be removed and pasted together. The shoes had cutouts and little heels (New York Times). 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut-out — ► NOUN 1) a shape cut out of board or another material. 2) a hole cut for decoration or to allow the insertion of something. 3) a device that automatically breaks an electric circuit for safety …   English terms dictionary

  • cut out — index bowdlerize, delete, eliminate (eradicate), eviscerate, excise (cut away), expel, expurgate, exti …   Law dictionary

  • cut out — ► cut out 1) exclude (someone). 2) (of an engine) suddenly stop operating. Main Entry: ↑cut …   English terms dictionary

  • cut out — [v] excise, remove carve, cease, delete, displace, eliminate, exclude, exsect, extirpate, extract, give up, oust, pull out, refrain from, sever, stop, supersede, supplant, usurp; concept 211 Ant. add, include …   New thesaurus

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