of mature age

  • 21age-old — adj. 1. 1 of very long duration Syn: ancient [WordNet 1.5] 4. having reached a desired or final condition as a result of standing for a period of time; of wines, whiskey, fruit, or cheeses. Note: As a result of having been aged, the product may… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 22Mature minor doctrine — Family law Entering into marriag …


  • 23age — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Old age Nouns 1. age, years, oldness; life expectancy, life span; longevity, length of years; gerontology, geriatrics; gerontocracy; ageism. 2. (maturity) adulthood, man or womanhood, maturity; legal or… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 24mature — ma|ture1 [məˈtʃuə US ˈtʃur] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(sensible)¦ 2¦(fully grown)¦ 3¦(wine/cheese etc)¦ 4¦(older)¦ 5¦(novel/painting etc)¦ 6 on mature reflection/consideration 7¦(financial)¦ 8 mature market/industry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 25mature — 01. In my opinion, girls usually [mature] at a younger age than boys. 02. Kate is only 7 years old, but she is very [mature] for her age, and is often mistaken for a 10 year old. 03. His writing style has certainly [matured] over the years. 04. I …

    Grammatical examples in English

  • 26mature — 1. adjective 1) a mature woman Syn: adult, grown, fully grown, in one s prime 2) he s very mature for his age Syn: grown up, sensible, responsible, adult, level headed 3) …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 27age — 1. noun 1) he is 35 years of age his wife is the same age Syn: number of years, length of life; stage of life, generation, age group 2) her hearing had deteriorated with age Syn: elderliness, old age, oldness …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 28mature — 1 adjective 1 SENSIBLE a child or young person who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an older person to behave: She s very mature for her age. | John has always shown a mature attitude to his work. opposite… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 29mature — maturely, adv. maturement, n. matureness, n. maturer, n. /meuh toor , tyoor , choor , cherr /, adj., maturer, maturest, v., matured, maturing. adj. 1. complete in natural growth or development, as plant and animal forms: a mature rose bush. 2.… …


  • 30Mature student — A adult student (aka adult learner or non traditional studentnon traditional students are a broader group than just mature students. See the Wiki link. in North America) in tertiary education (at a university or a college) is normally classified… …
