into union

  • 91Union of Communists of Armenia — was a political party in Armenia. At the last elections, 25 may 2003, the party formed part of the Free and Fair Armenia electoral bloc together with the Marxist Party of Armenia. The bloc was denied registration on the ground that neither of the …


  • 92Union of Democratic Forces for Unity — ( fr. Union des Forces Démocratiques pour le Rassemblement, UFDR) is the rebel group fighting against the government in the Central African Republic Civil War. The CAR has accused UFDR of being backed by the government of Sudan.The UFDR leader,… …


  • 93Union Latino Americana — (ULA) was the short existing Pan American Governing body of Hispanic fraternities created in the early 20th century. The ULA was established in 1932, during a convention of Phi Iota Alpha in the City of New York. [cite book | last= Johnson |… …


  • 94Union for People's Democracy — ( fr. Union pour la Démocratie Populaire) was an underground Maoist political movement in Senegal that emerged in the 1970s, formed as a continuation of the Movement of Young Marxist Leninists. Hamédine Racine Guissé was the general secretary of… …


  • 95Into the Fire (Stargate SG-1) — Into the Fire Episodio de Stargate SG 1 250px Título En el Fuego / Bajo el Fuego Episodio nº 1 Temporada 3 …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 96Union Park — is the name of a former baseball ground located in Baltimore, Maryland. The ground was home to the Baltimore Orioles during their first glory years in the 1890s. It was located at 25th and Barclay St.The Orioles opened this park during the 1891… …


  • 97UNION OF ORTHODOX RABBIS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA — (Agudath Harabbonim), the oldest organization of Orthodox rabbis in the U.S. in 2005 it had 450 members. The Agudath Harabonnim was founded on July 29, 1902, in New York City with a goal of strengthening the weakened hands of the rabbinate and to …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 98Union of Soviet Socialist Republics — a former federal union of 15 constituent republics, in E Europe and W and N Asia, comprising the larger part of the former Russian Empire: dissolved in December 1991. 8,650,069 sq. mi. (22,402,200 sq. km). Cap.: Moscow. Also called Russia, Soviet …


  • 99Union violence — When Union violence has occurred, it has frequently been in the context of industrial unrest.[1] Union violence is generally a defensive measure carried out against guards or strikebreakers during attempts to undercut strikes.[1] Violence has… …


  • 100Union between Sweden and Norway — United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway Förenade konungarikena Sverige och Norge De forenede Kongeriger Norge og Sverige Personal union ← …
