departed spirit

  • 31incorporeal — Synonyms and related words: Masan, airy, apparition, appearance, asomatous, astral, astral spirit, banshee, bodiless, control, decarnate, decarnated, departed spirit, discarnate, disembodied, disembodied spirit, duppy, dybbuk, ectoplasmic,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 32larva — Synonyms and related words: Anlage, Masan, apparition, appearance, arachnid, arthropod, astral, astral spirit, aurelia, banshee, beetle, blastula, bug, caterpillar, centipede, chilopod, chrysalis, cocoon, control, daddy longlegs, departed spirit …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 33phantasm — Synonyms and related words: Masan, apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, bamboozlement, banshee, befooling, bluffing, brainchild, bubble, calculated deception, chimera, circumvention, conning, control, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 34phantom — Synonyms and related words: Barmecidal, Barmecide, Dracula, Frankenstein, Masan, Wolf man, air, airy, airy nothing, apparent, apparition, apparitional, appearance, asomatous, astral, astral spirit, autistic, banshee, bodiless, bogey, bogeyman,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 35presence — Synonyms and related words: Masan, action, actions, activity, acts, address, adjacency, affectation, air, alertness, aplomb, apparition, appearance, aspect, association, astral, astral spirit, attendance, aura, banshee, bearing, behavior,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 36shade — Synonyms and related words: Masan, achromatism, adumbration, air, amount, anima, anima humana, apparition, appearance, apply paint, astral, astral spirit, atman, atom, awning, ba, baldacchino, baldachin, banshee, beat, becloud, bedarken, bedaub,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 37shadow — Synonyms and related words: Masan, adherent, adumbrate, adumbration, afterglow, afterimage, air, airy nothing, alter ego, amount, anima, anima humana, apparition, appearance, appendage, apply paint, arrangement, astral, astral spirit, atman,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 38shape — Synonyms and related words: Masan, Platonic form, Platonic idea, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, adjustment, aesthetic form, affect, agree with, anatomy, angle, apparition, appearance, archetype,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 39spook — Synonyms and related words: Masan, affright, agent, agitate, alarm, apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, awe, banshee, bogey, bug, case, character, control, convulse, curdle the blood, departed spirit, discompose, disembodied spirit,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 40sprite — Synonyms and related words: Ariel, Befind, Corrigan, Dingbelle, Fifinella, Finnbeara, Hob, Hobgoblin, Mab, Masan, Oberon, Puck, Titania, apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, bad fairy, bad peri, banshee, brownie, cluricaune, control,… …

    Moby Thesaurus