Wanton girl

  • 101Trueba, Fernando — (1955 )    Fernando Trueba is one of the key Spanish writer directors of the post Transition period, and has also developed a successful career as a producer. He was born in Madrid and studied Image and Communications. During the late 1970s, he… …

    Historical dictionary of Spanish cinema

  • 102whore — Synonyms and related words: B girl, Cyprian, Jezebel, Paphian, backslider, bad egg, bad lot, bad woman, baggage, bawd, be promiscuous, bitch, black sheep, broad, call girl, chase women, chippy, clitoromaniac, cocotte, commit adultery, coquette,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 103slut — n 1. slattern, drab, trollop, sloven, draggle tail; frump, dowdy; hag. 2. prostitute, harlot, whore, hussy, loose woman, wanton, fallen woman, woman of ill repute, lady of the evening; trull, quean, painted woman, streetwalker, bar girl, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 104tramp — v 1. tread or walk heavily, trudge, march, plod, plow, mush; hoof, stump; walk, step, pace, shuffle, stride. 2.Usu. tramp on or upon trample, stamp, stomp, step on, tread on, squash, crush, Dial. squish. 3. hike, trek, traipse, saunter; ramble,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 105trollop — n 1. slattern, slut, drab, sloven, draggle tail; frump, dowdy; hag. 2. prostitute, harlot, whore, hussy, wanton, loose woman, fallen woman, woman of the streets, streetwalker, trull, quean, painted woman, bar girl, Inf. pick up, All Sl. tart, cat …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 106wench — n 1. peasant girl, country lass, woman rustic; working girl, maid, serving woman. 2.Archaic. strumpet, prostitute, harlot. v 3. womanize, whore, wanton, Sl. sleep around, lecher, Sl. letch …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 107soft skin, little —    An intimate endearment in Girl with Green Eyes, by Edna O’Brien. The vocative is interesting in being based on the sense of touch instead of the more usual visual stimulus. The girl concerned is also addressed in the novel as ‘you soft, daft,… …

    A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • 108wench´er — wench «wehnch», noun, verb. –n. 1. a girl or young woman. 2. a) a woman servant: »a kitchen wench. b) any girl considered as belonging to the class of workers or peasants: »a buxom country wench. 3. Archaic. a wanton woman. –v.i. to seek out and… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 109Amoret — Am o*ret, n. [OF. amorette, F. amourette, dim. of amour.] 1. An amorous girl or woman; a wanton. [Obs.] J. Warton. [1913 Webster] 2. A love knot, love token, or love song. (pl.) Love glances or love tricks. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 3. A petty love… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 110Flirtigig — Flirt i*gig, n. A wanton, pert girl. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English