
   1. a person viewed sexually
   Male or female, heterosexually:
    Away, you mouldy rogue, away. I am meat for your master. (Shakespeare, 2 Henry N)
   or homosexually:
    Together, he and Jimmy had shared some of the choicest meat inside the prison. (McBain, 1981)
   A bit of meat is a man's sexual partner:
    I don't want you coming round here after my little bit of meat. (F. Richards, 1933)
   A young prostitute is fresh meat and an old one, stale meat:
    ... since to the accustomed rake the most prized flesh is the newest, some now counted her stale meat. (Fowles, 1985)
   2. (and two veg)
   the male penis or genitalia
   Usually, as meat alone, in a phrase such as tube of meat or hot meat:
    A lot of [young women] look like they need... a hot meat injection. (Styron, 1976)
   Meat and two veg may be used without any sexual overtones:
    ... carrying a carving knife with which she planned, she shrieked, 'to cut off his meat and two veg'. (Monkhouse, 1993)
   3. a human corpse
   Although not for consumption:
— told him to forget Stalin, that Stalin was history, Stalin was meat. (R. Harris, 1998)
   A meat wagon is an ambulance, a hearse, or a police van:
    The have the meat wagon following him around to follow up on the business he finds. (Chandler, 1943, writing about Marlowe, his corpse-prone private eye)
   ... pictured in the local paper getting out of a meat wagon with a blanket over his head. (P. McCarthy, 2000 — the fate of a priest who sexually assaulted boys)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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