
   Literally, any verbal or other exchange between people, which is why we should think no ill of Sir Thomas More, nor question his canonization:
    For justifying himself he wrote a full account of the intercourse he had with the Nun and her complices. (Burnet, 1714)
   By the late 18th century sensual intercourse meant copulation:
    The conversation today, I know not how, turned... upon sensual intercourse between the sexes, the delight of which [Dr Johnson] ascribed chiefly to the imagination. (J. Boswell, 1791)
   and irregular intercourse was not the spasmodic coupling of spouses but extramarital copulation:
    So then Sir, you would allow of no irregular intercourse whatever between the sexes? (ibid. — Dr Johnson had been condemning the 'licensed stews of Rome')
   Now standard English as a shortened form of sexual intercourse:
    Have you ever had intercourse, Dorothy? (M. McCarthy, 1963)

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • intercourse — intercourse, commerce, traffic, dealings, communication, communion, conversation, converse, correspondence are comparable when meaning the connection established between persons or peoples through a medium that permits interchange (as of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • intercourse — [ ɛ̃tɛrkurs ] n. f. • 1839; mot angl. , de inter et course « cours » 1 ♦ Dr. mar. Droit réciproque d accès et de pratique de certains ports accordé mutuellement aux navires de deux nations. 2 ♦ Rare Ensemble des relations entre habitants de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Intercourse — In ter*course, n. [Formerly entercourse, OF. entrecours commerce, exchange, F. entrecours a reciprocal right on neighboring lands, L. intercursus a running between, fr. intercurrere to run between. See {Inter }, and {Course}.] 1. A commingling;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intercourse — The use of this word as short for sexual intercourse (first recorded in 1798 but not common before the 20c) has made it difficult to use it in its general meaning ‘communication or dealings between individuals, nations, etc.’, and a claim such as …   Modern English usage

  • intercourse — or sexual intercourse [in′tər kôrs΄] n. 1. [ME entercours < OFr entrecours < L intercursus: see INTER & COURSE] 2. munication or dealings between or among people, countries, etc.; interchange of products, services, ideas, feelings, etc. 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • intercourse — [n1] sexual act carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, copulation, fornication, intimacy, love making, relations, sex, sexual relations; concept 375 intercourse [n2] communication; business exchange association, commerce, communion, connection,… …   New thesaurus

  • intercourse — ► NOUN 1) communication or dealings between people. 2) sexual intercourse. ORIGIN Latin intercursus, from intercurrere intervene …   English terms dictionary

  • intercourse — index business (commerce), commerce, communication (discourse), contact (association), dealings …   Law dictionary

  • intercourse — (n.) mid 15c., communication to and fro, from O.Fr. entrecours exchange, commerce, from L.L. intercursus a running between, intervention, from intercursus, pp. of intercurrere to run between, from L. inter between (see INTER (Cf. inter )) +… …   Etymology dictionary

  • intercourse — noun 1 sex ADJECTIVE ▪ sexual ▪ heterosexual, homosexual ▪ anal, vaginal ▪ consensual, non consensual …   Collocations dictionary

  • intercourse — n. 1) to have intercourse with 2) anal; heterosexual; oral; sexual intercourse 3) social intercourse 4) intercourse among, between; with * * * [ ɪntəkɔːs] between heterosexual oral sexual intercourse with anal …   Combinatory dictionary

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