
   1. sexually aroused
   From the increased bodily temperature and flushing caused by excitement, and also used of other emotions, such as anger, which give rise to the same symptoms. Being hot or having the hots is feeling lust for someone:
    I have never in my life seen so many ladies so hot in such a small place. (S. Green, 1979, and not describing a Turkish bath) Now he's got the hots for this young chick. (Sanders, 1973)
   2. obtained or held illegally
   Used of stolen goods to be disposed of on the hot market, or the proceeds of vice — hot money.
   Both of these commodities are likely figuratively to burn you if you touch them:
    Boudreau sold cheap liquor and handled fixes downtown and sometimes sold hot goods. (Weverka, 1973)
    Not rich enough for the hot market. (Price, 1979, of stolen property)
   3. infected with venereal disease
   Normally of a male, from the burning sensation when urinating if infected with gonorrhoea, and also perhaps from the risk of infecting another.
   4. radioactive
   Nuclear jargon, perhaps taken from a hot spot on a bearing, where heat indicates potential malfunction and possible danger.

How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms. . 2014.

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  • hot — [ ɔt ] adj. inv. • 1930; mot angl. amér. « chaud » ♦ Se dit du jazz joué avec force, avec un rythme violent, « échauffé » (opposé à cool). Style hot. Il « siffle un air hot » (Queneau). N. m. Le hot. ⊗ HOM. Hotte. hot adj. inv. et n. m. inv. Se… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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